Infrastruicture Buildiing
2024-8-29 09:10

I arrive in the US on September 2nd 1950. I remember the first car ride I had from NYC to Boston took ten hours going through every town along the northeast coast. Nowadays the same drive takes only less than four hours. This is of course due to  President Eisenhower's INTERSTATE HIGHWAY plan stared in 1956 and declared as completed in 1992. My family drove across country in 1961 using the famed Route 66 during the southwestern part of the journey. Nowadays you can drive fron one coast to the othe coast without encountering a stop light. Of course on going repair and maintainence of the system is never "completed" . It is not an exxegeration that the InterState Highway System changed the life of America in countless ways and let us appreciate the government's role in building infrastructures of a country. 

Now we are engaged in another infrastructure building for the US - Let EVERY US home have high speed internet access (with 100 Megabits download and 20 Megabits upload speed) for everyone in the US.  This is a combined State and Federal program that is scheduled to be completed sometime in the 2030s. We will no longer have to rely on telephone lines to transmit video signals and with slow download and upload speeds.The complexity of this undertaking will rival that of the Interstate highway system if not more. Modern civilization does not stop for anyone.





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