Discourse vs Discord - Some Random Thoughts
2024-4-29 00:29

In this connected and globalized world, anger and distrust prevail. Instead of civil discourse we end up with discord.Instead of listening without necessarily agreeing, we fight without finding common ground. Reiterating that famous line in the Rodney King incident - Can we just get along? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_King. One can learn a lot by just listening.

The existence of Nuclear weapons often been credited for the absence of World War III.However as the membership of the Nuclear Club grows, the world is reaching an inflection point where some little incident in a rogue nation that possess the Bomb can start an acoplaytic world war that will destroy human civilization.

The traditional structure of multi-generation families living under one roof has declined in both the East and West. In its place, retirement communities which can more efficiently and economically managed elder care are emerging. This is a good solution from the viewpoint social interaction and financial efficiency as the world population ages.. 

Economic inequalities and local wars are still unsolved problems in large part of our world. Rapid technilogical advance and future shock tend to outstrip our ability to adapt. Do we as a species have a future? 

No one looks forward to his/her own demise. But at my own advanced age, I am also glad that I won't live to see how these random thoughts will eventually resolve. In my own selfish thought, I am lucky to have lived a good life!





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