Prompt Engineering - A New Job classification created by AI
2023-9-10 03:50

In this age of AI, jobs are being destroyed and created. I just learned a new job classification nemed "PROMPT ENGINEERING". What prompt engineers do is this:

1, Generative AI such as Chat GPT-x is a vast lanquage model which can search vast  data base quickly for answer to questions posed by ordinary human beings. 

2.  Prompt engineers create another layer between questions from ordinary human beings and answers that can be generated by Chat GPT-x software. It makes Chat GPT behave almost like an intelligent human being with super vast memory and enormous power.

3. To give an example: suppose you pose a question to chat GPT-4 "what can you tell me about a medicine named XX? " 

Without this intermediate software layer created by prompt engineers, Chat GPT-4 may produce a 50-page report tell you everything it knows and can generate which you will not be able to digest or understand or even wish to know. Instead with prompt engineering that is built into Chat GPT4, it will instead produce a one page text which is probably what the questioner wanted. It answers the question with what this medicine xx is good for what illness this questioner most probably wanted to know; what are the usual dosage and other possible side effects; but it will NOT tell the questioner about possible criminal use of the medicine xx for abusive purposes; it will also prompt the questioner for more directed follow up questions. Thus, basically it provides an average ordinary human being with a super knowledgible Inteligent Assistant (IA) that never tires, also protective, and respectful. Thus, prompt engineers behaves as a computer scientist, ethicist, social engineer and interpreter - a  classification that did not exist a few years ago. What more can we ask? Also very scary!





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