
2023-05-31 10:57

西班牙国家心血管疾病研究中心Mercedes Ricote团队发现,母体乳汁中的γ-亚麻酸驱动心脏代谢的成熟。相关论文于2023年5月24日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。




Title: γ-Linolenic acid in maternal milk drives cardiac metabolic maturation

Author: Paredes, Ana, Justo-Mndez, Raquel, Jimnez-Blasco, Daniel, Nez, Vanessa, Calero, Irene, Villalba-Orero, Mara, Alegre-Mart, Andrea, Fischer, Thierry, Gradillas, Ana, SantAnna, Viviane Aparecida Rodrigues, Were, Felipe, Huang, Zhiqiang, Hernansanz-Agustn, Pablo, Contreras, Carmen, Martnez, Fernando, Camafeita, Emilio, Vzquez, Jess, Ruiz-Cabello, Jess, Area-Gmez, Estela, Snchez-Cabo, Ftima, Treuter, Eckardt, Bolaos, Juan Pedro, Estbanez-Perpi, Eva, Ruprez, Francisco Javier, Barbas, Coral, Enrquez, Jos Antonio, Ricote, Mercedes

Issue&Volume: 2023-05-24

Abstract: Birth presents a metabolic challenge to cardiomyocytes as they reshape fuel preference from glucose to fatty acids for postnatal energy production1,2. This adaptation is triggered in part by post-partum environmental changes3, but the molecules orchestrating cardiomyocyte maturation remain unknown. Here we show that this transition is coordinated by maternally supplied γ-linolenic acid (GLA), an 18:3 omega-6 fatty acid enriched in the maternal milk. GLA binds and activates retinoid X receptors4 (RXRs), ligand-regulated transcription factors that are expressed in cardiomyocytes from embryonic stages. Multifaceted genome-wide analysis revealed that the lack of RXR in embryonic cardiomyocytes caused an aberrant chromatin landscape that prevented the induction of an RXR-dependent gene expression signature controlling mitochondrial fatty acid homeostasis. The ensuing defective metabolic transition featured blunted mitochondrial lipid-derived energy production and enhanced glucose consumption, leading to perinatal cardiac dysfunction and death. Finally, GLA supplementation induced RXR-dependent expression of the mitochondrial fatty acid homeostasis signature in cardiomyocytes, both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our study identifies the GLA–RXR axis as a key transcriptional regulatory mechanism underlying the maternal control of perinatal cardiac metabolism.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06068-7

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06068-7


