
2023-04-13 11:36

美国斯坦福大学医学院Joanna Wysocka等研究人员合作发现,转录因子水平的精确调控确定剂量敏感性的特征。相关论文于2023年4月6日在线发表在《自然—遗传学》杂志上。

转录因子(TF)在颅面形态的正常范围和疾病相关的变异中发挥着核心作用;因此,研究人员开发了一种精确调节人类面部祖细胞中TF水平的方法,并将其应用于SOX9,一种与颅面变异和疾病相关的TF(Pierre Robin序列,PRS)。大多数依赖SOX9的调节元件(RE)对SOX9剂量的小幅下降有缓冲作用,但直接和主要由SOX9调节的RE对SOX9剂量表现出高度的敏感性;这些RE反应部分预测了基因表达反应。敏感的RE和基因优先影响功能性软骨生成和类似PRS的颅面形状变化。研究人员提出,这种RE和基因是特定表型对TF剂量的敏感性的基础,而其他基因的缓冲作用导致了剂量与表型之间强有力的非线性关系。



Title: Precise modulation of transcription factor levels identifies features underlying dosage sensitivity

Author: Naqvi, Sahin, Kim, Seungsoo, Hoskens, Hanne, Matthews, Harold S., Spritz, Richard A., Klein, Ophir D., Hallgrmsson, Benedikt, Swigut, Tomek, Claes, Peter, Pritchard, Jonathan K., Wysocka, Joanna

Issue&Volume: 2023-04-06

Abstract: Transcriptional regulation exhibits extensive robustness, but human genetics indicates sensitivity to transcription factor (TF) dosage. Reconciling such observations requires quantitative studies of TF dosage effects at trait-relevant ranges, largely lacking so far. TFs play central roles in both normal-range and disease-associated variation in craniofacial morphology; we therefore developed an approach to precisely modulate TF levels in human facial progenitor cells and applied it to SOX9, a TF associated with craniofacial variation and disease (Pierre Robin sequence (PRS)). Most SOX9-dependent regulatory elements (REs) are buffered against small decreases in SOX9 dosage, but REs directly and primarily regulated by SOX9 show heightened sensitivity to SOX9 dosage; these RE responses partially predict gene expression responses. Sensitive REs and genes preferentially affect functional chondrogenesis and PRS-like craniofacial shape variation. We propose that such REs and genes underlie the sensitivity of specific phenotypes to TF dosage, while buffering of other genes leads to robust, nonlinear dosage-to-phenotype relationships.

DOI: 10.1038/s41588-023-01366-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-023-01366-2

Nature Genetics:《自然—遗传学》,创刊于1992年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:41.307

