
2023-03-29 10:17

德国马克斯·普朗克脑研究所Gilles Laurent等研究人员合作揭示睡眠时大脑半球间的竞争。相关论文于2023年3月22日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。

通过记录睡眠中的鬃狮蜥(Pogona vitticeps)的屏状核,研究人员表明尽管Pogona快速眼动(REMP)和慢波睡眠的开始和结束是双侧协调的,但这两种睡眠状态在屏状核间的协调上有明显不同。在慢波睡眠期间,屏状核产生的锐波是相互独立的,没有显示出协调。相比之下,在快速眼动睡眠期间,两个屏状核产生的电位在振幅和时间上是精确协调的。然而,这些信号不是同步的:一方领先另一方约20毫秒,领先的一方通常在每个REMP发作时或在连续的发作之间转换一次。领先的屏状核表现出更强的活动,表明是双边竞争。




Title: Interhemispheric competition during sleep

Author: Fenk, Lorenz A., Riquelme, Juan Luis, Laurent, Gilles

Issue&Volume: 2023-03-22

Abstract: Our understanding of the functions and mechanisms of sleep remains incomplete, reflecting their increasingly evident complexity1,2,3. Likewise, studies of interhemispheric coordination during sleep4,5,6 are often hard to connect precisely to known sleep circuits and mechanisms. Here, by recording from the claustra of sleeping bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps), we show that, although the onsets and offsets of Pogona rapid-eye-movement (REMP) and slow-wave sleep are coordinated bilaterally, these two sleep states differ markedly in their inter-claustral coordination. During slow-wave sleep, the claustra produce sharp-wave ripples independently of one another, showing no coordination. By contrast, during REMP sleep, the potentials produced by the two claustra are precisely coordinated in amplitude and time. These signals, however, are not synchronous: one side leads the other by about 20ms, with the leading side switching typically once per REMP episode or in between successive episodes. The leading claustrum expresses the stronger activity, suggesting bilateral competition. This competition does not occur directly between the two claustra or telencephalic hemispheres. Rather, it occurs in the midbrain and depends on the integrity of a GABAergic (γ-aminobutyric-acid-producing) nucleus of the isthmic complex, which exists in all vertebrates and is known in birds to underlie bottom-up attention and gaze control. These results reveal that a winner-take-all-type competition exists between the two sides of the brain of Pogona, which originates in the midbrain and has precise consequences for claustrum activity and coordination during REMP sleep.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05827-w

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05827-w


