
2022-12-15 15:43



为了填补这一空白,研究人员收集了6个卡内基第8-11阶段的食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis)胚胎,对56636个单细胞进行了深入的转录组分析。分析显示了主要原肠运动附近细胞类型的转录组特征,这有助于阐明灵长类动物的形态发生事件,包括原条发育、体细胞发育、肠管形成、神经管形成和神经嵴分化。此外,对小鼠胚胎和人类胚胎的比较分析发现了不同物种间原肠运动附近发育的保守和不同的特征。例如,在前中胚层分化过程中对Hippo信号的特定物种依赖,并且研究人员对人类早期器官生成的相关干细胞模型进行了初步评估。这个全面的单细胞转录组图谱不仅填补了非人灵长类研究领域的知识空白,而且也是了解人类胚胎发育和发育障碍的宝贵资源。


Title: Primate gastrulation and early organogenesis at single-cell resolution

Author: Zhai, Jinglei, Guo, Jing, Wan, Haifeng, Qi, Luqing, Liu, Lizhong, Xiao, Zhenyu, Yan, Long, Schmitz, Daniel A., Xu, Yanhong, Yu, Dainan, Wu, Xulun, Zhao, Wentao, Yu, Kunyuan, Jiang, Xiangxiang, Guo, Fan, Wu, Jun, Wang, Hongmei

Issue&Volume: 2022-12-14

Abstract: Our understanding of human early development is severely hampered by limited access to embryonic tissues. Due to their close evolutionary relationship with humans, nonhuman primates are often used as surrogates to understand human development but currently suffer from a lack of in vivo datasets, especially from gastrulation to early organogenesis during which the major embryonic cell types are dynamically specified. To fill this gap, we collected six Carnegie stage 8–11 cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) embryos and performed in-depth transcriptomic analyses of 56,636single cells. Our analyses show transcriptomic features of major perigastrulation cell types, which help shed light on morphogenetic events including primitive streak development, somitogenesis, gut tube formation, neural tube patterning and neural crest differentiation in primates. In addition, comparative analyses with mouse embryos and human embryoids uncovered conserved and divergent features of perigastrulation development across species—for example, species-specific dependency on Hippo signalling during presomitic mesoderm differentiation—and provide an initial assessment of relevant stem cell models of human early organogenesis. This comprehensive single-cell transcriptome atlas not only fills the knowledge gap in the nonhuman primate research field but also serves as an invaluable resource for understanding human embryogenesis and developmental disorders.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05526-y

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05526-y


