
2022-11-26 21:07

近日,丹麦哥本哈根大学Dimitrios Stamou团队的最新研究阐明哺乳动物脑部V-ATP酶通过超低速模式切换的调节作用。2022年11月23日,国际知名学术期刊《自然》发表了这一成果。





Title: Regulation of the mammalian-brain V-ATPase through ultraslow mode-switching

Author: Kosmidis, Eleftherios, Shuttle, Christopher G., Preobraschenski, Julia, Ganzella, Marcelo, Johnson, Peter J., Veshaguri, Salome, Holmkvist, Jesper, Mller, Mads P., Marantos, Orestis, Marcoline, Frank, Grabe, Michael, Pedersen, Jesper L., Jahn, Reinhard, Stamou, Dimitrios

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-23

Abstract: Vacuolar-type adenosine triphosphatases (V-ATPases)1,2,3 are electrogenic rotary mechanoenzymes structurally related to F-type ATP synthases4,5. They hydrolyse ATP to establish electrochemical proton gradients for a plethora of cellular processes1,3. In neurons, the loading of all neurotransmitters into synaptic vesicles is energized by about one V-ATPase molecule per synaptic vesicle6,7. To shed light on this bona fide single-molecule biological process, we investigated electrogenic proton-pumping by single mammalian-brain V-ATPases in single synaptic vesicles. Here we show that V-ATPases do not pump continuously in time, as suggested by observing the rotation of bacterial homologues8 and assuming strict ATP–proton coupling. Instead, they stochastically switch between three ultralong-lived modes: proton-pumping, inactive and proton-leaky. Notably, direct observation of pumping revealed that physiologically relevant concentrations of ATP do not regulate the intrinsic pumping rate. ATP regulates V-ATPase activity through the switching probability of the proton-pumping mode. By contrast, electrochemical proton gradients regulate the pumping rate and the switching of the pumping and inactive modes. A direct consequence of mode-switching is all-or-none stochastic fluctuations in the electrochemical gradient of synaptic vesicles that would be expected to introduce stochasticity in proton-driven secondary active loading of neurotransmitters and may thus have important implications for neurotransmission. This work reveals and emphasizes the mechanistic and biological importance of ultraslow mode-switching.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05472-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05472-9


