
2022-06-26 19:32

美国加州大学欧文分校Jennifer A. Prescher、Michelle A. Digman等研究人员合作开发出通过相量分析实现的多重生物发光显微镜。相关论文于2022年6月23日在线发表于国际学术期刊《自然—方法学》。




Title: Multiplexed bioluminescence microscopy via phasor analysis

Author: Yao, Zi, Brennan, Caroline K., Scipioni, Lorenzo, Chen, Hongtao, Ng, Kevin K., Tedeschi, Giulia, Parag-Sharma, Kshitij, Amelio, Antonio L., Gratton, Enrico, Digman, Michelle A., Prescher, Jennifer A.

Issue&Volume: 2022-06-23

Abstract: Bioluminescence imaging with luciferase–luciferin pairs is a well-established technique for visualizing biological processes across tissues and whole organisms. Applications at the microscale, by contrast, have been hindered by a lack of detection platforms and easily resolved probes. We addressed this limitation by combining bioluminescence with phasor analysis, a method commonly used to distinguish spectrally similar fluorophores. We built a camera-based microscope equipped with special optical filters to directly assign phasor locations to unique luciferase–luciferin pairs. Six bioluminescent reporters were easily resolved in live cells, and the readouts were quantitative and instantaneous. Multiplexed imaging was also performed over extended time periods. Bioluminescent phasor further provided direct measures of resonance energy transfer in single cells, setting the stage for dynamic measures of cellular and molecular features. The merger of bioluminescence with phasor analysis fills a long-standing void in imaging capabilities, and will bolster future efforts to visualize biological events in real time and over multiple length scales.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01529-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01529-9

Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

