
2022-05-29 15:07

德国考古研究院Heiko Prümers等研究人员通过激光雷达揭示玻利维亚亚马逊地区前西班牙时期的低密度城市化进程。2022年5月25日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这项成果。

研究人员提出了属于卡萨拉比文化(约500年至1400年)的激光雷达数据,在亚马逊西南部的Llanos de Mojos草原-森林镶嵌区,并揭示了在一个密集的四层定居系统中存在两个明显的大型遗址(147公顷和315公顷)。就目前所知,卡萨拉比文化区的面积约为4500平方公里,其中一个大型定居点的面积约为500平方公里。这些大型聚落遗址的公民-礼仪建筑包括阶梯式平台,上面有U形结构、长方形平台土丘和锥形金字塔(高达22米)。这些大型聚落遗址被排列整齐的多角形堤岸所包围,代表着中心节点,通过绵延数公里的笔直的高架便道与较低等级的遗址相连。由运河和水库组成的大规模的水管理基础设施,使定居系统在一个经过人为改造的地貌中得以完善。
Title: Lidar reveals pre-Hispanic low-density urbanism in the Bolivian Amazon

Author: Prmers, Heiko, Betancourt, Carla Jaimes, Iriarte, Jos, Robinson, Mark, Schaich, Martin

Issue&Volume: 2022-05-25

Abstract: Archaeological remains of agrarian-based, low-density urbananism1,2,3 have been reported to exist beneath the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka and Central America4,5,6. However, beyond some large interconnected settlements in southern Amazonia7,8,9, there has been no such evidence for pre-Hispanic Amazonia. Here we present lidar data of sites belonging to the Casarabe culture (around AD500 to AD1400)10,11,12,13 in the Llanos de Mojos savannah–forest mosaic, southwest Amazonia, revealing the presence of two remarkably large sites (147ha and 315ha) in a dense four-tiered settlement system. The Casarabe culture area, as far as known today, spans approximately 4,500km2, with one of the large settlement sites controlling an area of approximately 500km2. The civic-ceremonial architecture of these large settlement sites includes stepped platforms, on top of which lie U-shaped structures, rectangular platform mounds and conical pyramids (which are up to 22m tall). The large settlement sites are surrounded by ranked concentric polygonal banks and represent central nodes that are connected to lower-ranked sites by straight, raised causeways that stretch over several kilometres. Massive water-management infrastructure, composed of canals and reservoirs, complete the settlement system in an anthropogenically modified landscape. Our results indicate that the Casarabe-culture settlement pattern represents a type of tropical low-density urbanism that has not previously been described in Amazonia.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04780-4

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04780-4


