
2022-05-22 01:14

美国加州大学Arash Komeili研究小组在研究中取得进展。他们发现不同基因簇诱导细菌铁小体细胞器的形成。2022年5月18日出版的《自然》发表了这项成果。

在本研究中,研究人员发现一个与铁结合的隔室,在此命名为“铁小体”,是之前在厌氧细菌磁性脱硫弧菌中发现的。使用蛋白质组学方法,研究人员鉴定了三种铁小体相关(Fez)蛋白,它们在D. magneticus中参与形成铁小体。Fez蛋白由特定的操纵子编码,包括FezB,FezB是在系统发育和代谢不同的细菌和古细菌中发现的P1B-6-ATP酶。研究人员揭示了另外两种细菌物种,Rhodopseudomonas palustris和Shewanella putrefaciens,通过其六基因fez操纵子产生铁小体。

此外,研究发现fez操纵子还可以在外来宿主中形成铁小体。使用S. putrefaciens作为模型,研究表明铁小体可能在厌氧适应铁饥饿中发挥作用。总体而言,该工作发现铁小体可能是一类新的铁储存细胞器,并为研究它们在多种微生物中的形成和结构奠定了基础。



Title: Distinct gene clusters drive formation of ferrosome organelles in bacteria

Author: Grant, Carly R., Amor, Matthieu, Trujillo, Hector A., Krishnapura, Sunaya, Iavarone, Anthony T., Komeili, Arash

Issue&Volume: 2022-05-18

Abstract: Cellular iron homeostasis is vital and maintained through tight regulation of iron import, efflux, storage and detoxification1,2,3. The most common modes of iron storage use proteinaceous compartments, such as ferritins and related proteins4,5. Although lipid-bounded iron compartments have also been described, the basis for their formation and function remains unknown6,7. Here we focus on one such compartment, herein named the ‘ferrosome’, that was previously observed in the anaerobic bacterium Desulfovibrio magneticus6. Using a proteomic approach, we identify three ferrosome-associated (Fez) proteins that are responsible for forming ferrosomes in D.magneticus. Fez proteins are encoded in a putative operon and include FezB, a P1B-6-ATPase found in phylogenetically and metabolically diverse species of bacteria and archaea. We show that two other bacterial species, Rhodopseudomonas palustris and Shewanella putrefaciens, make ferrosomes through the action of their six-gene fez operon. Additionally, we find that fez operons are sufficient for ferrosome formation in foreign hosts. Using S.putrefaciens as a model, we show that ferrosomes probably have a role in the anaerobic adaptation to iron starvation. Overall, this work establishes ferrosomes as a new class of iron storage organelles and sets the stage for studying their formation and structure in diverse microorganisms.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04741-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04741-x


