
2022-04-24 11:07

美国纽约大学Bijan Pesaran研究组探明了抑制性通讯协调的调节。该项研究成果发表在2022年4月20日出版的《自然》上。


研究人员表示,视觉和触觉由不同的大脑区域控制,并在自然行为中协调。理解如何控制灵活、自然的行为,如协调的注视和伸手,取决于理解大脑不同区域的神经元如何交流。伽马频率(40–90 Hz)下的神经相干性波段与兴奋性多区域通讯有关。抑制性控制机制也需要灵活地控制行为,但对于一个区域的神经元如何瞬时抑制另一个区域的单个神经元以支持行为,人们知之甚少。发送者区域的神经元放电如何暂时抑制接收者区域的神经元放电,目前尚不清楚。


Title: Modulation of inhibitory communication coordinates looking and reaching

Author: Hagan, Maureen A., Pesaran, Bijan

Issue&Volume: 2022-04-20

Abstract: Looking and reaching are controlled by different brain regions and are coordinated during natural behaviour1. Understanding how flexible, natural behaviours such as coordinated looking and reaching are controlled depends on understanding how neurons in different regions of the brain communicate2. Neural coherence in a gamma-frequency (40–90Hz) band has been implicated in excitatory multiregional communication3. Inhibitory control mechanisms are also required to flexibly control behaviour4, but little is known about how neurons in one region transiently suppress individual neurons in another to support behaviour. How neuronal firing in a sender region transiently suppresses firing in a receiver region remains poorly understood. Here we study inhibitory communication during a flexible, natural behaviour, termed gaze anchoring, in which saccades are transiently inhibited by coordinated reaches. During gaze anchoring, we found that neurons in the reach region of the posterior parietal cortex can inhibit neuronal firing in the parietal saccade region to suppress eye movements and improve reach accuracy. Suppression is transient, only present around the coordinated reach, and greatest when reach neurons fire spikes with respect to beta-frequency (15–25Hz) activity, not gamma-frequency activity. Our work provides evidence in the activity of single neurons for a novel mechanism of inhibitory communication in which beta-frequency neural coherence transiently inhibits multiregional communication to flexibly coordinate natural behaviour.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04631-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04631-2


