
2022-04-10 16:07

近日,瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院Melanie Blokesch、David W. Adams等研究人员合作发现,两种防御系统消除第七次大流行的霍乱弧菌质粒。这一研究成果于2022年4月6日在线发表在国际学术期刊《自然》上。

研究人员确定了霍乱弧菌El Tor菌株中保守的两个质粒防御系统,这些菌株导致了正在进行的第七次霍乱大流行。这些系统被称为DdmABC和DdmDE,在两个主要的致病岛上编码,是目前大流行菌株的一个标志。结果表明,这些模块合作通过降解迅速消除小型多拷贝质粒。此外,DdmABC系统是广泛存在的,可以通过触发细胞自杀(中止性感染,或Abi)来抵御噬菌体感染。
Title: Two defence systems eliminate plasmids from seventh pandemic Vibrio cholerae

Author: Jasklska, Milena, Adams, David W., Blokesch, Melanie

Issue&Volume: 2022-04-06

Abstract: Horizontal gene transfer can trigger rapid shifts in bacterial evolution. Driven by a variety of mobile genetic elements—in particular bacteriophages and plasmids—the ability to share genes within and across species underpins the exceptional adaptability of bacteria. Nevertheless, invasive mobile genetic elements can also present grave risks to the host; bacteria have therefore evolved a vast array of defences against these elements1. Here we identify two plasmid defence systems conserved in the Vibrio cholerae El Tor strains responsible for the ongoing seventh cholera pandemic2,3,4. These systems, termed DdmABC and DdmDE, are encoded on two major pathogenicity islands that are a hallmark of current pandemic strains. We show that the modules cooperate to rapidly eliminate small multicopy plasmids by degradation. Moreover, the DdmABC system is widespread and can defend against bacteriophage infection by triggering cell suicide (abortive infection, or Abi). Notably, we go on to show that, through an Abi-like mechanism, DdmABC increases the burden of large low-copy-number conjugative plasmids, including a broad-host IncC multidrug resistance plasmid, which creates a fitness disadvantage that counterselects against plasmid-carrying cells. Our results answer the long-standing question of why plasmids, although abundant in environmental strains, are rare in pandemic strains; have implications for understanding the dissemination of antibiotic resistance plasmids; and provide insights into how the interplay between two defence systems has shaped the evolution of the most successful lineage of pandemic V. cholerae.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04546-y

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04546-y


