
2022-03-06 17:59

美国加州大学旧金山分校A. Erlebacher研究小组发现,聚糖介导的B细胞抑制建立母胎耐受。2022年3月2日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这项成果。

据悉,区分自我和非自我是各种免疫过程的基础。在怀孕期间,母亲不承认胎盘是免疫学上的异物,因为滋养细胞(与母体免疫系统连接的胎盘细胞)所表达的抗原不能激活母体T细胞。 目前,这些激活缺陷被认为反映了调节性T细胞的抑制。相比之下,B细胞对滋养层抗原的耐受机制还没有被确定。
Title: Establishment of fetomaternal tolerance through glycan-mediated B cell suppression

Author: Rizzuto, G., Brooks, J. F., Tuomivaara, S. T., McIntyre, T. I., Ma, S., Rideaux, D., Zikherman, J., Fisher, S. J., Erlebacher, A.

Issue&Volume: 2022-03-02

Abstract: Discrimination of self from non-self is fundamental to a wide range of immunological processes1. During pregnancy, the mother does not recognize the placenta as immunologically foreign because antigens expressed by trophoblasts, the placental cells that interface with the maternal immune system, do not activate maternal Tcells2. Currently, these activation defects are thought to reflect suppression by regulatory Tcells3. By contrast, mechanisms of B cell tolerance to trophoblast antigens have not been identified. Here we provide evidence that glycan-mediated B cell suppression has a key role in establishing fetomaternal tolerance in mice. Bcells specific for a model trophoblast antigen are strongly suppressed through CD22–LYN inhibitory signalling, which in turn implicates the sialylated glycans of the antigen as key suppressive determinants. Moreover, Bcells mediate the MHC-class-II-restricted presentation of antigens to CD4+T cells, which leads to Tcell suppression, and trophoblast-derived sialoglycoproteins are released into the maternal circulation during pregnancy in mice and humans. How protein glycosylation promotes non-immunogenic placental self-recognition may have relevance to immune-mediated pregnancy complications and to tumour immune evasion. We also anticipate that our findings will bolster efforts to harness glycan biology to control antigen-specific immune responses in autoimmune disease.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04471-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04471-0


