
2021-12-26 13:12

美国哈佛医学院David Reich、澳大利亚维也纳大学Ron Pinhasi、英国纽卡斯尔大学Chris Fowler和西班牙巴克斯大学Iñigo Olalde课题组合作的最新研究揭示了新石器时代早期古墓中精确的亲属关系。相关论文于2021年12月22日发表于国际学术期刊《自然》杂志。

为了探索英国新石器时代早期墓葬中的亲属关系,研究人员对生活在约5,700年前并被埋葬在Hazleton North long Cain的35个人进行了考古和遗传分析。其中27个人属于第一个古代DNA重建谱系扩展的一部分,这是一个五代家庭,该家庭的许多相互关系为确定亲属关系提供了统计依据,而这些关系无法在没有直接遗传证据情况下确定。父系血统是确定谁被埋葬在坟墓中的关键,因为所有15代之间的传递都是通过男性进行。存在与世系男性一起繁衍后代的女性却没有成年女儿的存在表明了男性葬礼和女性外婚。



Title: A high-resolution picture of kinship practices in an Early Neolithic tomb

Author: Fowler, Chris, Olalde, Iigo, Cummings, Vicki, Armit, Ian, Bster, Lindsey, Cuthbert, Sarah, Rohland, Nadin, Cheronet, Olivia, Pinhasi, Ron, Reich, David

Issue&Volume: 2021-12-22

Abstract: To explore kinship practices at chambered tombs in Early Neolithic Britain, here we combined archaeological and genetic analyses of 35 individuals who lived about 5,700 years ago and were entombed at Hazleton North long cairn1. Twenty-seven individuals are part of the first extended pedigree reconstructed from ancient DNA, a five-generation family whose many interrelationships provide statistical power to document kinship practices that were invisible without direct genetic data. Patrilineal descent was key in determining who was buried in the tomb, as all 15 intergenerational transmissions were through men. The presence of women who had reproduced with lineage men and the absence of adult lineage daughters suggest virilocal burial and female exogamy. We demonstrate that one male progenitor reproduced with four women: the descendants of two of those women were buried in the same half of the tomb over all generations. This suggests that maternal sub-lineages were grouped into branches whose distinctiveness was recognized during the construction of the tomb. Four men descended from non-lineage fathers and mothers who also reproduced with lineage male individuals, suggesting that some men adopted the children of their reproductive partners by other men into their patriline. Eight individuals were not close biological relatives of the main lineage, raising the possibility that kinship also encompassed social bonds independent of biological relatedness.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04241-4

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04241-4


