
2021-12-05 13:19

奥地利科学院分子生物技术研究所Nicolas Rivron研究组开发出人类类囊胚模型。该研究于2021年12月2日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然》。

研究人员表明,初始人类多能干细胞(PXGL hPSC)受到Hippo、TGF-β和ERK途径的三重抑制,能有效地(>70%)形成囊胚,根据囊胚发育的顺序和时间,可生成囊胚阶段的类似物(>97%滋养层、外胚层和原始内胚层)。囊胚自发形成第一轴,研究人员观察到上胚层诱导极性滋养层的成熟,从而获得了附着在激素刺激的子宫内膜细胞上的特殊能力,类似于植入过程。这样的人类囊胚是一个忠实的、可拓展的、符合伦理的模型,可以探索人类的植入和发育。



Title: Human blastoids model blastocyst development and implantation

Author: Kagawa, Harunobu, Javali, Alok, Khoei, Heidar Heidari, Sommer, Theresa Maria, Sestini, Giovanni, Novatchkova, Maria, Scholte op Reimer, Yvonne, Castel, Gal, Bruneau, Alexandre, Maenhoudt, Nina, Lammers, Jenna, Loubersac, Sophie, Freour, Thomas, Vankelecom, Hugo, David, Laurent, Rivron, Nicolas

Issue&Volume: 2021-12-02

Abstract: One week after fertilization, human embryos implant into the uterus. This event requires that the embryo forms a blastocyst consisting of a sphere encircling a cavity lodging the embryo proper. Stem cells can form a blastocyst model, which we termed blastoid1. Here we show that naive human pluripotent stem cells (PXGL hPSCs)2 triply inhibited for the Hippo, TGF-β, and ERK pathways efficiently (>70%) form blastoids generating blastocyst-stage analogs of the 3 founding lineages (>97% trophectoderm, epiblast, and primitive endoderm) according to the sequence and timing of blastocyst development. Blastoids spontaneously form the first axis and we observe that the epiblast induces the maturation of the polar trophectoderm that consequently acquires the specific capacity to attach to hormonally-stimulated endometrial cells, as during implantation. Such a human blastoid is a faithful, scalable, and ethical model to explore human implantation and development3,4.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04267-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04267-8


