
高保真镜像Pfu DNA聚合酶可在l-DNA中实现生物正交信息存储
2021-07-31 23:24

清华大学朱听小组发现,高保真镜像Pfu DNA聚合酶可在l-DNA中实现生物正交信息存储。该研究于2021年7月29日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然—生物技术》。

研究人员用化学方法合成了一个90kDa的高保真镜象Pfu DNA聚合酶,它能准确地组装一个千字节大小的镜象基因。研究人员用该聚合酶在L-DNA中编码了路易-巴斯德1860年的一段话,该段话首次提出了一个镜像的生物学世界。研究人员通过在D-DNA存储库中嵌入一个嵌合的D-DNA/L-DNA关键分子来实现手性隐写术,它根据阅读的手性传递虚假或秘密信息。




Title: Bioorthogonal information storage in l-DNA with a high-fidelity mirror-image Pfu DNA polymerase

Author: Fan, Chuyao, Deng, Qiang, Zhu, Ting F.

Issue&Volume: 2021-07-29

Abstract: Natural DNA is exquisitely evolved to store genetic information. The chirally inverted l-DNA, possessing the same informational capacity but resistant to biodegradation, may serve as a robust, bioorthogonal information repository. Here we chemically synthesize a 90-kDa high-fidelity mirror-image Pfu DNA polymerase that enables accurate assembly of a kilobase-sized mirror-image gene. We use the polymerase to encode in l-DNA an 1860 paragraph by Louis Pasteur that first proposed a mirror-image world of biology. We realize chiral steganography by embedding a chimeric d-DNA/l-DNA key molecule in a d-DNA storage library, which conveys a false or secret message depending on the chirality of reading. Furthermore, we show that a trace amount of an l-DNA barcode preserved in water from a local pond remains amplifiable and sequenceable for 1 year, whereas a d-DNA barcode under the same conditions could not be amplified after 1 day. These next-generation mirror-image molecular tools may transform the development of advanced mirror-image biology systems and pave the way for the realization of the mirror-image central dogma and exploration of their applications. A high-fidelity mirror-image polymerase that accurately synthesizes mirror-image DNA protects stored information from biodegradation.

DOI: 10.1038/s41587-021-00969-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-021-00969-6

Nature Biotechnology:《自然—生物技术》,创刊于1996年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:68.164

