
2021-05-08 18:24

美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Michael J. Gandal研究团队发现,补体信号与精神分裂症的突触病理存在关联。该研究于2021年5月6日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然—神经科学》。




Title: Brain gene co-expression networks link complement signaling with convergent synaptic pathology in schizophrenia

Author: Minsoo Kim, Jillian R. Haney, Pan Zhang, Leanna M. Hernandez, Lee-kai Wang, Laura Perez-Cano, Loes M. Olde Loohuis, Luis de la Torre-Ubieta, Michael J. Gandal

Issue&Volume: 2021-05-06

Abstract: The most significant common variant association for schizophrenia (SCZ) reflects increased expression of the complement component 4A (C4A). Yet, it remains unclear how C4A interacts with other SCZ risk genes or whether the complement system more broadly is implicated in SCZ pathogenesis. Here, we integrate several existing, large-scale genetic and transcriptomic datasets to interrogate the functional role of the complement system and C4A in the human brain. Unexpectedly, we find no significant genetic enrichment among known complement system genes for SCZ. Conversely, brain co-expression network analyses using C4A as a seed gene reveal that genes downregulated when C4A expression increases exhibit strong and specific genetic enrichment for SCZ risk. This convergent genomic signal reflects synaptic processes, is sexually dimorphic and most prominent in frontal cortical brain regions, and is accentuated by smoking. Overall, these results indicate that synaptic pathways—rather than the complement system—are the driving force conferring SCZ risk.

DOI: 10.1038/s41593-021-00847-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-021-00847-z

Nature Neuroscience:《自然—神经科学》,创刊于1998年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.771

