
2020-11-20 14:34

德国马克斯·普朗克生物控制论研究所Nikos K. Logothetis研究组发现海马塞塔和波纹与脑桥性枕叶波(PGO Wave)的耦合。相关论文于2020年11月18日发表在《自然》杂志上。

利用猕猴的多结构记录,他们显示了脑干通过被称为PGO 波的阶段性桥脑波瞬时调节海马网络事件。两种生理学上不同类型的PGO波似乎是顺序发生的,分别有选择地影响高频波纹和低频塞塔事件。两种类型的PGO波与相反的海马突波场耦合相关,在脉动和塞塔发生期间,提示神经群体的高度神经同步。




Title: Coupling of hippocampal theta and ripples with pontogeniculooccipital waves

Author: Juan F. Ramirez-Villegas, Michel Besserve, Yusuke Murayama, Henry C. Evrard, Axel Oeltermann, Nikos K. Logothetis

Issue&Volume: 2020-11-18

Abstract: The hippocampus has a major role in encoding and consolidating long-term memories, and undergoes plastic changes during sleep1. These changes require precise homeostatic control by subcortical neuromodulatory structures2. The underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon, however, remain unknown. Here, using multi-structure recordings in macaque monkeys, we show that the brainstem transiently modulates hippocampal network events through phasic pontine waves known as pontogeniculooccipital waves (PGO waves). Two physiologically distinct types of PGO wave appear to occur sequentially, selectively influencing high-frequency ripples and low-frequency theta events, respectively. The two types of PGO wave are associated with opposite hippocampal spike-field coupling, prompting periods of high neural synchrony of neural populations during periods of ripple and theta instances. The coupling between PGO waves and ripples, classically associated with distinct sleep stages, supports the notion that a global coordination mechanism of hippocampal sleep dynamics by cholinergic pontine transients may promote systems and synaptic memory consolidation as well as synaptic homeostasis. Studies using multi-structure recordings in macaque monkeys show that distinct phasic pontogeniculooccipital waves modulate hippocampal network events similar to those that underlie the learning and formation of memories during sleep.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2914-4

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2914-4


