
2020-09-24 13:44

对在人类细胞中引导编辑向导RNA的效率进行预测,这一成果由韩国延世大学医学院Hyongbum Henry Kim研究组经过不懈努力而取得。 相关论文发表在2020年9月21日出版的《自然—生物技术》杂志上。

在这项研究中,该课题组对于引导编辑工具PE2(prime editor 2)在人类细胞中的活性进行了进行了高通量的分析评价,使用了54836对向导RNA (pegRNAs)和他们的目标序列。由此产生的数据集帮助他们了解PE2编辑效率的影响因素,并开发了三种计算模型来预测pegRNA效率。


据悉,引导编辑(prime editing)实现了几乎任何小规模的遗传变化的引入,且无需供体DNA或双链断裂。然而,引导编辑的编辑效率的评估需要耗时的实验,且影响效率的因素也没有进行广泛的研究。


Title: Predicting the efficiency of prime editing guide RNAs in human cells

Author: Hui Kwon Kim, Goosang Yu, Jinman Park, Seonwoo Min, Sungtae Lee, Sungroh Yoon, Hyongbum Henry Kim

Issue&Volume: 2020-09-21

Abstract: Prime editing enables the introduction of virtually any small-sized genetic change without requiring donor DNA or double-strand breaks. However, evaluation of prime editing efficiency requires time-consuming experiments, and the factors that affect efficiency have not been extensively investigated. In this study, we performed high-throughput evaluation of prime editor 2 (PE2) activities in human cells using 54,836 pairs of prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs) and their target sequences. The resulting data sets allowed us to identify factors affecting PE2 efficiency and to develop three computational models to predict pegRNA efficiency. For a given target sequence, the computational models predict efficiencies of pegRNAs with different lengths of primer binding sites and reverse transcriptase templates for edits of various types and positions. Testing the accuracy of the predictions using test data sets that were not used for training, we found Spearman’s correlations between 0.47 and 0.81. Our computational models and information about factors affecting PE2 efficiency will facilitate practical application of prime editing.

DOI: 10.1038/s41587-020-0677-y

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-020-0677-y

Nature Biotechnology:《自然—生物技术》,创刊于1996年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:68.164

