
2020-07-16 17:39

澳大利亚莫纳什大学Steven L. Chown研究组发现南极洲不存在大陆的生物多样性。2020年7月15日出版的《自然》在线发表了这项成果。

研究人员收集了一份完整的人类活动记录(约270万条记录,涵盖200年),并用它来量化南极洲的荒野及其生物多样性。研究显示南极洲大陆地区仍有99.6%的土地被视为荒野,但该地区几乎没有生物多样性特征。 不受人类干扰的原始区域覆盖面积要小得多(不到南极洲的32%),并且随着人类活动的加剧而不断下降。紧急扩大的南极洲特别保护区网络既可以扭转这一趋势,又可以确保该地区的生物多样性。

据介绍,对地球上日益减少荒野的评估强调,南极洲是需要保护的重要荒野。 然而,人类对南极洲大陆的影响是普遍的,其荒野程度尚未量化,并且对生物多样性保护的重要性也未知。


Title: Antarctica’s wilderness fails to capture continent’s biodiversity

Author: Rachel I. Leihy, Bernard W. T. Coetzee, Fraser Morgan, Ben Raymond, Justine D. Shaw, Aleks Terauds, Kees Bastmeijer, Steven L. Chown

Issue&Volume: 2020-07-15

Abstract: Recent assessments of Earth’s dwindling wilderness have emphasized that Antarctica is a crucial wilderness in need of protection1,2. Yet human impacts on the continent are widespread3,4,5, the extent of its wilderness unquantified2 and the importance thereof for biodiversity conservation unknown. Here we assemble a comprehensive record of human activity (approximately 2.7 million records, spanning 200 years) and use it to quantify the extent of Antarctica’s wilderness and its representation of biodiversity. We show that 99.6% of the continent’s area can still be considered wilderness, but this area captures few biodiversity features. Pristine areas, free from human interference, cover a much smaller area (less than 32% of Antarctica) and are declining as human activity escalates6. Urgent expansion of Antarctica’s network of specially protected areas7 can both reverse this trend and secure the continent’s biodiversity8,9,10.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2506-3

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2506-3


