
2020-06-05 09:21

美国蒙特利湾水族馆研究所Bruce H. Robison团队利用DeepPIV揭示了深海中的神秘黏液结构。相关论文于2020年6月3日发表于《自然》。


据悉,许多动物会建造复杂的结构以帮助其生存,但很少利用完全由动物制造的材料制成。 在海洋中部,许多动物很容易分泌粘液状结构,并起着许多重要的作用。然而,由于在深海中观察它们的挑战,对这些粘液状结构了解甚少。 在这些粘液状形式中,幼虫的房屋是大自然的奇迹,在海洋暮光区,巨大的幼虫分泌并建造了直径超过1平方米的粘液过滤结构。


Title: Revealing enigmatic mucus structures in the deep sea using DeepPIV

Author: Kakani Katija, Giancarlo Troni, Joost Daniels, Kelly Lance, Rob E. Sherlock, Alana D. Sherman, Bruce H. Robison

Issue&Volume: 2020-06-03

Abstract: Many animals build complex structures to aid in their survival, but very few are built exclusively from materials that animals create 1,2. In the midwaters of the ocean, mucoid structures are readily secreted by numerous animals, and serve many vital functions3,4. However, little is known about these mucoid structures owing to the challenges of observing them in the deep sea. Among these mucoid forms, the ‘houses’ of larvaceans are marvels of nature5, and in the ocean twilight zone giant larvaceans secrete and build mucus filtering structures that can reach diameters of more than 1 m6. Here we describe in situ laser-imaging technology7 that reconstructs three-dimensional models of mucus forms. The models provide high-resolution views of giant larvacean houses and elucidate the role that house structure has in food capture and predator avoidance. Now that tools exist to study mucus structures found throughout the ocean, we can shed light on some of nature’s most complex forms.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2345-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2345-2


