
2022-11-11 10:10

美国哈佛医学院Edward T. Chouchani等研究人员合作利用棕色脂肪蛋白质组的结构定义出代谢生理学的调节因子。2022年11月4日,《细胞》杂志在线发表了这项成果。





Title: Architecture of the outbred brown fat proteome defines regulators of metabolic physiology

Author: Haopeng Xiao, Luiz H.M. Bozi, Yizhi Sun, Christopher L. Riley, Vivek M. Philip, Mandy Chen, Jiaming Li, Tian Zhang, Evanna L. Mills, Margo P. Emont, Wenfei Sun, Anita Reddy, Ryan Garrity, Jiani Long, Tobias Becher, Laura Potano Vitas, Dina Laznik-Bogoslavski, Martha Ordonez, Xinyue Liu, Xiong Chen, Yun Wang, Weihai Liu, Nhien Tran, Yitong Liu, Yang Zhang, Aaron M. Cypess, Andrew P. White, Yuchen He, Rebecca Deng, Heiko Schder, Joao A. Paulo, Mark P. Jedrychowski, Alexander S. Banks, Yu-Hua Tseng, Paul Cohen, Linus T. Tsai, Evan D. Rosen, Samuel Klein, Maria Chondronikola, Fiona E. McAllister, Nick Van Bruggen, Edward L. Huttlin, Bruce M. Spiegelman, Gary A. Churchill, Steven P. Gygi, Edward T. Chouchani

Issue&Volume: 2022-11-04

Abstract: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) regulates metabolic physiology. However, nearly all mechanisticstudies of BAT protein function occur in a single inbred mouse strain, which has limitedthe understanding of generalizable mechanisms of BAT regulation over physiology. Here,we perform deep quantitative proteomics of BAT across a cohort of 163 geneticallydefined diversity outbred mice, a model that parallels the genetic and phenotypicvariation found in humans. We leverage this diversity to define the functional architectureof the outbred BAT proteome, comprising 10,479 proteins. We assign co-operative functionsto 2,578 proteins, enabling systematic discovery of regulators of BAT. We also identify638 proteins that correlate with protection from, or sensitivity to, at least oneparameter of metabolic disease. We use these findings to uncover SFXN5, LETMD1, andATP1A2 as modulators of BAT thermogenesis or adiposity, and provide OPABAT as a resourcefor understanding the conserved mechanisms of BAT regulation over metabolic physiology.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.10.003

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)01318-6


