
Dawn by Han Hong----天亮了----韩红----英文歌词
成爱芳 2014-4-7 12:44
Day breaks (also called Dawn) The song is tell a story aboutan orphan---- A cable car at scenic spots inGuizhou Province has crashed in 1999, at that moment a couple used their handshold up their two and a half years old child, so he was saved, but his parentsdied. Later, Hanhong adopted th ...
个人分类: lyrics|14003 次阅读|没有评论
The sea by Han Hong----那片海---韩红----英文歌词
成爱芳 2014-4-7 12:42
That piece of sea ( Also calledThe sea) This song was written form the inspirationwhen one night in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Han saw the sea, the songjust tell the state of mind of Han Hong and not have special story 告诉 我 这个 夜   ...
个人分类: lyrics|4259 次阅读|没有评论

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