
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016
曾春华 2016-2-16 20:25
Performance of cubic ZrO2 doped CeO2: First-principles investigation on elastic, electronic and optical properties of Ce1−xZrxO2 Dong Tian, Chunhua Zeng∗, Hua Wang∗, Hongchun Luo, Xianming Cheng, Chao Xiang, Yonggang Wei, Kongzhai Li, and Xing Zhu fluorite type oxides are ...
4402 次阅读|没有评论
Solid State Communications, 2016
热度 1 曾春华 2016-1-31 22:14
A DFT study of the structural, electronic and optical properties oftransition metal doped fluorite oxi des:Ce0.75M0.25O2 (M=Fe, Co,Ni) &n ...
3510 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
Scientific Reports 6, 19591(2016)
曾春华 2016-1-21 08:46
Impact of correlated noise in an energy depot model Chunhu ...
5137 次阅读|没有评论
曾春华 2015-6-19 15:22
亲爱的同学们:    下午 好 ! 四年前,亲爱的同学们满怀激情与梦想步入 呈贡大学城,“呈贡”谐音就是“成功”。相信同学们这四年在“呈贡”生活和学习会给你们未来的人生带来好运“成功”。 回忆在昆工的青春岁月,你们一定忘不掉梨园里、樱花下迸发的激情 ; 忘不掉捞鱼河畔、雨花湖边牵手的浪漫; ...
2726 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 曾春华 2014-12-23 15:57
刚收到 Science Publishing Group 邀请一个Special Issue 和 Lead Guest Editor。(原件在附件里) Dear C.H. Zeng et al, Learning that you have enjoyed a reputation in your research field, and once shared your work which titled Control of absolute negative mobility vi ...
12968 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 4 曾春华 2014-6-23 11:15
2013SCI影响因子: 2013SCI影响因子.xls
3604 次阅读|12 个评论 热度 4

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