
A multi-proxy lacustrine record of last deglacial-early
吴立 2018-10-27 20:44
A multi-proxy lacustrine record of last deglacial-early Holocene environmental variability in the lower Yangtze region from the Chaohu Lake Basin, eastern China 10.1017@qua.2017.52.pdf The Rb, Sr, and Ti content, Rb/Sr ratio, grain size, magnetic susceptibility, and magnetic fabric i ...
2020 次阅读|没有评论
An integrated approach for the detection of small archaeolog
吴立 2017-10-25 16:07
An integrated approach for the detection of small archaeological sites along palaeochannels: A case study in the Northeast Chaohu area, China . Because of the flourishing vegetation and developed agriculture in eastern China, it is difficult to extract information of small archaeological site ...
1962 次阅读|没有评论
吴立 2017-10-25 16:04
第四纪红土中铁锰结核的FTIR光谱特征——以宣城典型红土为例 利用傅里叶变换红外光谱技术(FTIR)对安徽宣城八角亭砖瓦厂和陈山遗址两处典型第四纪红土中的铁锰结核和铁锰胶膜进行实验测试,在实验所得数据的基础上分析二者的FTIR 光谱及吸收峰特征,并讨论它们的共性与差异。结果表明,铁锰结核和铁锰胶膜的主要矿物 ...
2832 次阅读|没有评论
Mid-Holocene palaeoflood events recorded at the Zhongqiao
吴立 2017-10-25 15:59
Mid-Holocene palaeoflood events recorded at the Zhongqiao Neolithic cultural site in the Jianghan Plain, middle Yangtze River Valley, 1-s2.0-S0277379116306436-main.pdf Palaeo-hydrological and archaeological investigations were carried out in the Jianghan Plain in the middle reaches of ...
2101 次阅读|没有评论
热度 2 吴立 2016-12-29 07:21
什么是雾霾? 许多人可能立马会想到 PM2.5 、气溶胶之类的专业名词。其实呢?大多数非专业人士,特别是老百姓们,并不懂这些太专业的,也意识不到问题的严重性。因此,给大家来点直观的,一看就明白。 古人经常登高,修养身性,我常效法古人登高远望,十年前,我与导师、已故的周先生、还有莫老师登上此山,眺望山下这 ...
3957 次阅读|23 个评论 热度 2
吴立 2016-7-12 17:30
全文下载 374朱诚-吴立xiao.pdf
2892 次阅读|没有评论
吴立 2016-6-30 16:57
雷洋事件结果出来了,我们终于看到还是警察玩忽职守、滥用私刑。这里我真的想说我们国家的警察要好好管管了。 片段一:去年我家爱人在上海火车站被人偷去了手机,我跑到火车站派出所想要报警并希望调录像,结果该警察不仅非常傲慢,而且回答上海火车站从来没有发生过任何偷盗事件,从来没有人丢过手机。绝对是原话 ...
4369 次阅读|没有评论

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