解决Error 1325. EsriPyFldr is not a valid short file name. I was also getting the error 1325 when trying to uninstall ArcGIS Desktop 10.3.1. The fix was to remove a couple of CD/DVD (virtual) drives from the system. 去尝试各种卸载办法(甚至求助esri)之 ...
备忘 :Shapefile 属性表中的中文显示乱码如何处理 问题:shapefile 的属性表中,中文字符显示为乱码。 原因:字符编码方式不匹配。系统解读的编码方式和文件实际存储的编码方式不匹配,无法正常显示。“ Before ArcGIS 10.2.1, shapefiles were encoded in the languagelocale of the syste ...
Arcgis .mxd 文件打开出错+Runtime Error 在另外一台机器上编辑了的mxd文件到另外一台机器上打开出错,显示类似如下信息: Opening the selected ArcMap document failed. An unexpected error occurred while loading the map document. Last Component: {588E5A11-11D1-AA7C-0C04FA33A15}. It may refere ...