
电子情报侦查1.5 - 测向与定位
刘春静 2010-10-25 13:25
1.5 Direction Finding (DF) and Emitter Location 测向与定位 Of special importance to operational ELINT (OPELINT) is the location of emitters. This is usually approached by means of angle-of-arrival (AOA) measurements for coarse location and also for pulse sorti ...
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电子情报侦查1.4 - Probability of Intercept Problems
刘春静 2010-10-23 19:46
1.4 Probability of Intercept Problems 截获概率 The ELINT receiver has an advantage in the versus path loss over the radar. However, the ELINT operator usually does no ...
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电子情报侦查1.3 - Limitations Due to Noise
刘春静 2010-10-23 18:46
1.3 Limitations Due to Noise 噪声对 ELINT 接收机的限制 Although in the usual situation the intercept receiver enjoys a considerable range advantage over the radar, this does not mean that the ELINT signal analyst has the luxury of a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The sit ...
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电子情报侦查1.2 - The Importance of ELINT
刘春静 2010-10-23 17:03
1.2 The Importance of Intercepting and Analyzing Radar Signals 截获并分析雷达信号的重要性 The first large-scale use of radar occurred in World War II. No sooner had radar been deployed (by both sides) than the effort to counter it spawned electronic countermeasures (ECM), which include ...
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电子情报侦查1.1 - 电子情报的定义(ELINT Defined)
刘春静 2010-10-23 12:19
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刘春静 2010-8-25 13:21
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电子战接收机3(EW receiver 3)---PDW
刘春静 2010-8-23 20:10
通信接收机的目的是获取发送方所传递的有效信息,雷达接收机和电子战接收机很相似,不同处在于雷达接收机通过匹配滤波接收自己发送的脉冲,而电子战接收机是无源的,被动地接收所有的雷达或通信信号,即所谓的非协作信号。 脉冲描述字PDW是电子战接收机的主要输出结果,举一个例子: BPSK和Chirp ...
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电子战接收机2(EW receiver 2)
刘春静 2010-8-21 19:12
宽带电子战接收机系统设计的要求通常包括: 1. 实时响应。当接收机截获到一个雷达脉冲后,能够实时测量出脉冲描述信息PDW,通常要求在几个微秒以内。 2. 足够宽的瞬时带宽(Instantaneous Bandwidth)。通常要求大于500MHz。 工作带宽(Operating Bandwidth,OBW),即系统 ...
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刘春静 2010-8-19 10:50
早期电子战的主要目的是电子情报侦察(ELINT,electronic intelligence),主要任务是搜集敌方的雷达信号,而COMINT(communications intelligence)则是针对通信信号的截获。 对于ELINT,Richard G. Wiley在其论著中形象地描述为: 想象一下,一个在黑暗中摸索前进的拿着手电筒的 ...
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