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已有 1013 次阅读 2021-6-17 18:55 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为马来西亚理工大学(作者:NORHADIJA BINTI DARWIN)的博士论文,共81页。








Most of the time, many countries intropical region are covered by cloud which obstruct the acquisition of highresolution optical image from satellite. Thus, the application of large scalemapping for coastal erosion assessment is difficult to be carried out. Theunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be used for acquisition of high resolutionimage due to its ability of flying at low altitudes and under cloud cover. Thisstudy aims to improve the methodology of data acquisition for assessing erodedcoastal area by using UAV system designed for large scale mapping. Theobjectives of this study are (i) to improve the methodology of data acquisitionfor large scale coastal erosion assessment using UAV with rapid and low cost,(ii) to assess the accuracy of the digital photogrammetric products obtainedwith different ground control points (GCP) configurations and flying altitude,and (iii) to identify and assess coastal areas due to erosion based on thelarge-scale orthophoto produced. Two improved methods were introduced in thisstudy: (i) rapid data acquisition and processing, low cost and accurate mappingusing UAV, and (ii) modification of the end point rate (EPR) and linearregression rate (LRR) calculation methods by including two new parametersnamely the sea water and wave level to detect coastline changes. The modifiedEPR and LRR methods in detecting the coastline changes of Crystal Bay, Alai,Melaka and Kampung Seri Pantai, Mersing, Johor were evaluated throughstatistical model, namely t-test and compared with other studies of similararea for validation and verification. Several configurations of GCP, checkpoints (CP) and flying altitude were used to produce the digital elevationmodel (DEM) and orthophoto which were then processed photogrammetrically.Subsequently, the coastal erosion assessment was performed and thecoastlinechanges of private properties, buildings and residential areas was identified.The results show that the best GCP configuration to produce coastal erosionmapping scale of 1:14000 is 25 points. Meanwhile, the best flying altitude is300m with accuracies of ±0.002m, ±0.004m and ±0.389m in Northing, Easting andHeight respectively. Furthermore, this study shows that most of the coastline,private properties, buildings and residential areas are affected by the coastalerosion. Based on the modified EPR and LRR calculation methods in determiningthe coastline changes, it is evident that the coastline change rate issignificant. In conclusion, this study shows that the UAV system offers manyadvantages such as its ability to fly at low altitude, low cost, rapid dataacquisition and processing in detecting coastline changes and accurate results.


1.  引言

2. 文献回顾

3. 研究方法

4. 结果与分析

5. 海岸侵蚀评价与探讨

6. 结论与建议



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