王晓光分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/limer 武汉大学信息管理学院



已有 7846 次阅读 2015-5-21 21:16 |系统分类:科研笔记

英国国王学院数字人文系Department of Digital Humanities)是英国文化、媒介与创意产业相关专业排名第一的系,它的数字资产与媒介管理专业硕士(Digital Asset & Media Management)课程方案看着非常棒,今年武汉大学信息管理学院出版科学系有位本科生去攻读硕士。

Core programme content
  • Introduction to Digital Asset and Media Management

  • Dissertation

Indicative non-core content

7AAVDM07 From Information to Knowledge – Metadata and Systems for digital assets and media
7AAVDM09 Management for Digital Content Industries
7AAVDM06 Crowds and Clouds - Digital Ecosystems
7AAVDM04 Curating and Preserving Digital Culture
7AAVDM10 Digital Media, Digital Marketing
•7AAVDM03 Internship for MA DAMM students

7AAVMART Digital Arts and Culture
• 7AAVDOS Open Source, Open Access, Open Culture
7AAVMDAT Structured Data in the Digital Humanities: databases & semantic web
7AAVMWEB Web Technologies
7AAVDH05 Digital Publishing
7AAVDH06 Editorial models for Digital Texts: Theory and Practice
7AAVMARC Communication and Consumption of Cultural Heritage
7AAV7004 Material Culture of the Book
7AAVMAVH Applied Visualisation for Cultural Heritage
7AAICC35 Digital Culture and Political Protest
7AAICC28 Digital Industries and Internet Culture
7AAICC08 Ontologies of Digital Media
7AAICC39 The Social Life of Big Data


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