
From cluster to tree view
马闯 2012-3-10 09:33
Antoine Lucas developed a R package "ctc" to get the bridge between hclust in R and treeview in windows. To install ctc package, do remember to use biocLite source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("ctc")
个人分类: R|2900 次阅读|没有评论
Steps to generate R packages
马闯 2012-3-10 09:29
There are some differences to generate R packages on Linux/Windows platforms. Here are the steps for Linux. 1) Upgrade your R to the latest version. 2) Generate RD files: package.skeleton(name = packagename, code_files=c(**.R, ***.R)) 3) Annotate RD files with the informa ...
个人分类: R|2430 次阅读|没有评论

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