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已有 4489 次阅读 2013-4-11 08:27 |个人分类:社交网络|系统分类:海外观察| 巴西, 知识挖掘, BraSNAM, 社交网络年会

   巴西第二届社交网络分析和知识挖掘年会(BraSNAM - II Brazilian Workshop onSocial Network Analysis and Mining )将于7月24-25日在著名海滨城市、马赛奥首府阿拉果亚斯举行。这将是巴西全国计算机年会(CSBC)的系列专业会议之一。BraSNAM会议主席分别是里约热内卢联邦大学的Joinice Oliveira博士和米纳斯联邦大学的 Fabrício Benevenuto 博士。

   会议的征文期限为4月15日,若有兴趣通过本次活动与巴西同行交流,请访问以下会议网站: https://sites.google.com/site/brasnam2013/。英文征稿内容如下:

   It is a pleasure to announce thesecond Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM). Theworkshop will be held together with the 33ndCongresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC) which is theofficial event of the Brazilian Computing Society. The goal of the meeting isto provide a valuable opportunity for multidisciplinary groups to meet andengage in discussions on social network analysis.  The conference will beheld in Maceió,  AL (Alagoas- northeast Brazil), on July 24-25, 2013.


   The study on social networks has its origins in social,educational and business communities. Academic interest in this fieldhas been growing since the mid 20th century.  Therecent increase in the number of Web usersstimulates the interaction among people, data dissemination and exchange ofinformation, and also increasessignificantly the available data, provided by people, their interaction,logs and web servers.  With big data sets theanalysis can be more accurate and brings  also the opportunity to evaluateand develop new techniques for social network analysis and data identificationand mining.  This has raised the interest of a wide range of fields - suchas academia, politics, security, business, marketing, science - on socialnetwork analysis.


   The II Brazilian Workshop on Social NetworkAnalysis and Mining (BraSNAM 2013) will bring together researchers andprofessionals interested on social network analysis and related fields, and willpromote collaborations as well as exchanges of ideas and experiences.  




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