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光纤传感半月谈(19) 精选

已有 12061 次阅读 2016-2-22 00:16 |系统分类:科研笔记| 光纤激光器, 光纤光栅, 光纤传感器

今天介绍2015年最重要的一个光纤传感会议,24th InternationalConference on Optical Fibre Sensors”。时间:28 September2 October 2015;地点:Curitiba, Brazil。我原计划参加此会议,后来由于时间原因未能成行。SPIE论文集卷号9634,共收录了270余篇论文,论文目录见:http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/volume.aspx?volumeid=17371。因本人未亲自参会,只能根据论文集的内容选择部分论文大致分类介绍如下(文章太多,仅仅简要介绍,一般不做评论)。



葡萄牙University of PortoRicardo M. André报道了采用离子束刻蚀的方法在拉锥光纤端部刻写光栅(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96343I)。

1  在拉锥光纤端部刻写光栅

塞浦路斯Cyprus Universityof TechnologyKyriacos Kalli等报道了用飞秒激光器在POF上刻写FBGProc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96343N)。

2  用飞秒激光器在POF上刻写FBG

澳大利亚UNSWKishore Bhowmik等报道了采用溶剂腐蚀聚合物光纤光栅实现温度和应变同时测量(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963480)。

3  聚合物光纤光栅实现温度和应变同时测量

印度Indian Institute ofTechnology GuwahatiPathi Munendhar等报道了采用刻蚀的FBG折射率调制的湿度传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96343V);

德国Munich Universityof Applied SciencesMarchi G等用激光在FBG中央加工一个环形槽使之对力更加敏感(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963458);

丹麦Technical Universityof DenmarkIvan-Lazar Bundalo等报道了基于PMMA的聚合物FBG的长期应变特性(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96347Y);

武汉理工大学的Wei Bai, JixiangDai分别报道了在弱反射光栅上的氢气传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347E96346J)以及在拉制光纤过程中在线刻写光栅(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96342A)。


1)      Fiber Bragg grating regeneration temperature in standard fibers, v. 9634,p. 96345K.

2)      Fiber Bragg grating inscriptions in multimode fiber using 800 nmfemtosecond laser, v. 9634, p. 963463.

3)      Stretching the limits for the decoupling of strain and temperature withFBG based sensors, v. 9634, p. 96343S.

4)      Femtosecond laser inscribed Bragg gratings in gold-coated fiber for spaceapplication, v. 9634, p. 963460.

5)      Humidity insensitive step-index polymer optical fibre Bragg gratingsensors, v. 9634, p. 96342L.



英国Edinburgh NapierUniversityLourdes Alwis等报道了采用LPGFBG串联的湿度传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963462),在LPG涂覆聚酰亚胺使其对湿度敏感。

4  LPGFBG串联的湿度传感器的透射谱

葡萄牙University of PortoL. Coelho等报道了采用LPG监测过渡金属的氧化(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96340N),当涂覆在LPG外的过渡金属氧化时,会引起透射谱阻带的变化。

5  采用LPG监测过渡金属的氧化

英国CranfieldUniversityM. Partridge等报道了涂覆血红蛋白的LPG氧传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96342S);

英国Aston UniversityGraham C. B. Lee等报道了采用磁致伸缩材料(Terfenol-D)的LPG磁场传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96340K);

爱尔兰Dublin Institute ofTechnologyPengfei Wang等报道了在多模光纤中的LPG用于折射率传感(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96346A);

澳大利亚The University ofSydneyWen Liu等报道了在W形折射率的光纤中通过退火实现LPG对温度和应变的减敏(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96344L)。


1)      High sensitive reflection type long period fiber grating biosensor forreal time detection of thyroglobulin, a differentiated thyroid cancerbiomarker: the Smart Health project, v. 9634, p. 96342G.

2)      Customizing CO2laser inscription of LPG sensors to enhance the sensitivityto refractive index, v. 9634, p. 96345X.

3)      Enhancing sensitivity of long-period gratings by combined fiber etchingand diamond-like carbon nano-overlay deposition, v. 9634, p. 963456.

4)      Photodecomposition of a target compound detected using an optical fibrelong period grating coated with a molecularly imprinted titania thin film, v.9634, p. 96340Y.

5)      Simultaneous multipoint strain measurement using cascaded long periodfiber gratings, v. 9634, p. 96343Q.

6)      Intensity-modulated refractometer with long period fiber grating cascadedby chirped fiber grating, v. 9634, p. 96346F.

7)      Fabrication and sensing characteristics of helical long-period fibergratings written in the rotated fiber by CO2laser, v. 9634, p. 96346Y.



澳大利亚Defence Science andTechnology OrganisationScott Foster报道了8元光纤激光水听器阵列的海试(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96342F),阵元间距1.5 m,试验在20139月进行。

6  光纤激光水听器

中科院半导体所的Zhaogang Wang等报道了光纤激光加速度传感器液体阻尼的影响(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347N),发现不同的液体阻尼对传感器的响应有一定的影响。

7  光纤激光加速度计在不同阻尼下的响应

西班牙Universidad Pública de NavarraS. Diaz报道了采用双波长光纤激光器的温度传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963476);

暨南大学的Yunbo LI报道了FBG的反馈对DBR光纤激光器的偏振拍频的影响(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96347L);

葡萄牙aINESC TECI. M. Nascimentoa报道了基于磁致伸缩材料的光纤激光磁场传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96345T)。


Fiber laser sensor system based on a random mirror and a compound ringresonator for displacement measurements, v. 9634, p. 96344A.



爱尔兰University ofLimerickDineshBabuDuraibabu等报道了采用FBG/CFBGFP复合的压力温度传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96344J.Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96342N)。

8  温度压力复合传感器

美国Stanford UniversityWonuk Jo等报道了一种极高灵敏度的FP压力传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96341P),其最小可探测声压达到5.4 μPa/√Hz

9  FP压力传感器

伊朗Shahid BeheshtiUniversityO. R. Ranjbar Naeini等报道了利用微球的内外表面形成复合FP腔的温度/折射率传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963472)。

10  复合FP腔的温度/折射率传感器

葡萄牙INESC PortoMarta S. Ferreiraa报道了可测量900度高温的FP温度传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96343P)。

11  FP高温温度传感器

巴西Pontifícia UniversidadeCatólica do Rio de JaneiroPaula M. P. Gouvêa等报道了采用磁致伸缩材料的FP磁场传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963438)。

12  FP磁场传感器

巴西Federal Universityof Technology - ParaRodrigo Fiorin等报道了在FBG上用飞秒激光器加工FP腔(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963471)。

13  FBG上用飞秒激光器加工FP

中国计量大学的Yangzi Zheng等报道了基于pH敏感凝胶层的气体传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96344C)。

14  基于pH敏感凝胶层的气体传感器

上海交通大学的Jiageng Chen等报道了采用FFPI和相移光栅的亚n应变级传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96343T)。因采用反馈控制取代激光扫描,解调速度也得到提高。

15  高精度应变传感器解调方法

上海大学的Pengfei Chen报道了在熔接中形成微球的FP传感器用于高温传感(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96347T)。

16  上海大学报道的高温FP传感器

电子科大Zengling Ran等报道的温度应力复合传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963459)。

17  温度应力复合传感器

中科院安光所的J. Li等报道了在多芯光纤的端面用聚焦离子束刻蚀445°斜面作为低精细度FP腔的端镜从而实现二维加速度传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96341E)。

18  聚焦离子束刻蚀的FP

法国LNE-SYRTE,Observatoire de ParisKonstantin Ott报道了高精细度的FP腔(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96341L)。



中国香港The Hong KongPolytechnic UniversityW. Talataisong等报道了用在线MZ干涉仪的高压传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96345B)。

19  光纤高压传感器

哈尔滨工程大学的Zhihai Liu等报道了采用双芯光纤实现的在线Michelson-FP复合式干涉仪(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96341S),并介绍了其径向和轴向传感特性。

20  在线Michelson-FP复合式干涉仪

巴西UniversidadeFederal do ParáC. R. da Silveira1等报道了采用在线MZ干涉仪的倾斜传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96341W);

西班牙University ofAlcalaó. Esteban等报道了采用FC/PC接头形成光纤干涉仪实现折射率传感(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963437);

日本Toshiba CorporationMasao Takahashi等报道了用光纤Sagnac干涉仪的电压传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96345P)。


1)      Mach-Zehnder interferometric based on a 5-core fiber, v. 9634, p. 963421.

2)      Single mode fiber and twin-core fiber connection technique for in-fiberintegrated interferometer, v. 9634, p. 96347C.



韩国School ofInformation and CommunicationsKhurram Naeem等报道了基于双芯高双折射PCF的扭转传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96347K)。

21  PCF扭转传感器

中国香港The Hong KongPolytechnic UniversityFan Yang等报道了基于光子晶体光纤的气体传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963410Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96340W);


1)      Negative curvature fibres: exploiting the potential for novel opticalsensors, v. 9634, p. 963455.

2)      New SPR PCF D-type optical fiber sensor configuration for refractive indexmeasurement, v. 9634, p. 96346Z.



巴西UniversidadeEstadual de CampinasJonas H. Osório等介绍了表面纤芯的光纤(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96340V),及其压力传感器的应用(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96343B.)。

22  表面纤芯的光纤

南开大学的Wei Lin等报道了在光纤拉锥部位填充磁流体材料的磁场传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347U)。

23  光纤磁场传感器

中国香港The Hong KongPolytechnic UniversityJie Wang等报道了基于微结构光纤的风速传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96341M),在微结构光纤的孔中填充金属,可以吸收激光传来的能量发热,风速的大小与散热成一定关系,通过监测FBG的温度漂移检测风速。

24  光纤风速传感器

西北大学的Zhihua Shao等报道了用S形拉锥的FBG折射率传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96340R)。

25  基于拉锥的折射率传感器

暨南大学的Jieyuan Tang等报道了采用侧磨光纤的丙酮蒸汽传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96346H),侧磨掉的部分填充胆固醇液晶。

26  光纤丙酮蒸汽传感器

葡萄牙Instituto deTelecomunicaçõeRicardo Oliveira等报道了用248 nm激光在微结构PCF上刻写光栅的方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96344X);

西班牙Public Universityof NavarraP. Sanchez等报道了基于Indium-Tin-Oxide涂层的折射率传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347M),并被用于润滑油温度检测;

西班牙Universidad Pública de NavarraS. Rota-Rodrigo1等报道了基于纳米线光纤的湿度传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96342H);

英国Aston UniversityC. A. F. Marques等报道了采用微结构聚合物FBG的液位传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96345V);

暨南大学的Xuhui Qiu等报道了镀银倾斜光栅用于折射率传感(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96346G)。


1)      Enhancement of temperature sensitivity of a Mach-Zehnder interferometerbased on a polymer-overlaid microfiber, v. 9634, p. 96345J.

2)      Relative humidity sensor based on an optical microfiber knot resonatorwith a polyvinyl alcohol overlay, v. 9634, p. 96346X.

3)      Improved response time of laser etched polymer optical fiber Bragg gratinghumidity sensor, v. 9634, p. 96343K.

4)      A SPR sensor based on twin-core fiber, v. 9634, p. 96347P.

5)      Vector magnetic measurement based on directional scattering betweenpolarized plasmon wave and arrayed nanoparticles, v. 9634, p. 96345N

6)      Simultaneous demodulation of polarization mode coupling and fiber Bragggrating within a polarization maintaining fiber, v. 9634, p. 963436.

7)      Temperature sensor based on a tapered optical fiber with ALD nanofilm, v.9634, p. 963474.

8)      Highly birefringent polymer fibers for hydrostatic pressure sensing, v.9634, p. 96341Z.



西班牙Universidad Pública de NavarraD. Leandro等报道了采用随机激光器的FBG传感器解调方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96340O,其中的π移光栅(PS-FBG)既是传感元件也是选频元件),以及时分和波分混合复用技术(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963415)。

27  基于随机激光器的FBG传感器解调方法

28  时分和波分混合复用技术

西班牙Univ. Carlos III deMadridO. E.Bonilla-Manrique等报道了采用双光频梳实现FBG解调的方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634,963422),解调信号频率可到3 kHz,精度μ应变级别。

29  采用双光频梳实现FBG解调

巴西CPqD FoundationJoão Paulo V.Fracarollia等报道了基于DFB激光器的FBG高速解调方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96347Q),解调速率可达60 kHz

30  FBG高速解调

中国哈尔滨工程大学的Lu Hou报道了对PGC算法的改进,通过结合3×3算法,提高了动态范围并降低了低频调制深度的漂移(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 9634Y5)。

31  PGC算法的改进

西班牙Universidad MiguelHernándezJuan Clementa等报道了基于波长延迟测绘技术的级联FBG解调方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96344S);

韩国Pusan NationalUniversityGyeong Hun Kim等报道了基于MHz扫描速度的光纤激光器的FBG解调方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96345H),给出了50 kHz的解调结果;

巴西Instituto deEstudos AvançadosHugo Leonardo Rocha de Lira等报道了提高开环光纤陀螺动态范围的方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963439);

北航的Yuxuan Chen报道了基于傅里叶变换的Sagnac干涉仪传感器的相位解调方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96343A)。


1)      Range-resolved signal processing for fibre segment interferometry appliedto dynamic long-gauge length strain sensing, v. 9634, p. 96341Q.

2)      Very high sensor-density multiplexing using a wavelength-to-time domainreflectometry approach based on a rapidly swept akinetic laser, v. 9634, p.96342B.

3)      Real-time multi-monitoring interrogation based on Fourier domainmode-locked fiber laser for measurement of radiation dose and multipointstrain, v. 9634, p. 96344G.

4)      Interferometric fiber Bragg grating shift demodulation, v. 9634, p.96347O.

5)      Interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors using a VCSEL and correlationtechniques, v. 9634, p. 963473.

6)      Optical code division multiplexed fiber Bragg grating sensing networks, v.9634, p. 963478.



意大利National ResearchCouncilL. Schenato等报道了PCF传感器用于隧道裂缝检测(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963482)。

32  光纤传感器用于隧道裂缝检测

加拿大National ResearchCouncil CanadaRobert B. Walker等报道了飞秒写入的FBG在汽化器温度监测中的应用(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96343X)。

33  光纤传感器用于汽化器温度监测

英国Heriot-WattUniversityDirk Havermann等报道了采用FBG监测金属残余应力的方案(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96340T),如果能够通过退火释放残余应力并监测,本文的结论将更有说服力。

34  FBG用于金属残余应力监测

同组的Jinesh Mathew报道了埋入FP传感器用于高温传感(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96340Q

巴西Federal Universityof Technology ParanáAna Paula G. O.Franco等报道了用FBG传感器监测丙烯酸树脂的固化收缩及温度(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347R.);Kleiton de Morais Sousa等报道了FBG传感器用于感应电机的热和振动分析(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963443);Gabriela C. Marin报道了用FBG传感器测量人的咬合力(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963425)。

35  FBG用于监测咬合力

英国University ofStrathclydeI. Mckeeman等报道了用于预应力监测的FBG传感器的温度校准方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96345I);M. Perry等报道了金属封装的FBG应变传感器用于混凝土结构表面安装(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963466);

英国University ofNottinghamF.U. Hernandez等报道了用FBG监测气管导管套接触压力的实验(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963435);

英国City UniversityLondonM. Fabian报道了采用FBG传感器监测电机的振动(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 963417);

以色列Tel-Aviv UniversityMoshe Tur等报道了分布式传感器用于飞行器结构健康监测(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96340P);

西班牙FOCUS S.L.H. F. Martins的报道了基于ΦOTDR技术的管道监测系统(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347X);

法国Lab. Hubert CurienA. Morana等介绍了欧盟H2020计划中的HOBAN Development of HardOptical Fiber BrAgg GratiNgs Sensors)项目(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347Z);

葡萄牙INESC TECRui Oliveira等报道了用FBG传感器确定质心的方法(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96347H);D. Viveiros等报道了光纤传感器在煤矿矸石堆温度和气体监测的应用(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96343Y);

巴西Pontifical CatholicUniversity of Rio de JaneiroSully M. M Quintero等报道了用FBG传感器监测碳酸盐石在激光钻孔时的温度和应力场分布(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963441);

武汉理工大学的Sheng LI等报道了基于光纤传感器的桥梁健康监测系统(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 963447)。



两篇与3D打印相关:1)澳大利亚The University ofSydneyKevin Cook报道了用3D打印的预制棒拉制光纤(Proc. of SPIE Vol.9634, 96343E);2Photonic liquidcrystal fibers tuning by four electrode system produced with 3D printingtechnology, v. 9634, p. 96345F.

韩国Hanyang UniversityYeon Jun Kim报道了用多芯光纤制作的在线耦合器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96343L);

新加坡Nanyang TechnologicalUniversityRaghunandhan Ravikumar等报道了基于壳聚糖水凝胶的重金属离子探测的光纤传感器(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96344O);

巴西UniversidadeEstadual PaulistaMarlon R. Garcia等报道了用光纤角位移传感器测量Lamb波(Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9634, 96347I)。

36  光纤角位移传感器





1)      Dynamic distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing based on multi-slope analysis,v. 9634, p. 96344T.

2)      Enlargement of measurement range in Brillouin optical correlation domainanalysis with high-speed random accessibility using temporal gating scheme formultiple-points dynamic strain measurement, v. 9634, p. 96340H.

3)      Long-term monitoring of local stress changes in 67km installed OPGW cableusing BOTDA, v. 9634, p. 963461.

4)      Coherent pulse compression Brillouin dynamic gratings reflectometry forslope-assisted, fast and distributed fiber strain sensing, v. 9634, p. 96341I.

5)      Unexpected non-local effects in dual-probe-sideband BOTDA, v. 9634, p.963430.

6)      Reaching the ultimate performance limit given by non-local effects inBOTDA sensors, v. 9634, p. 96342E.

7)      1200°C high-temperature distributed Brillouin optical fiber sensing based onphotonics crystal fiber, v. 9634, p. 963485.

8)      Influence of polarization scrambling on Brillouin opticalcorrelation-domain reflectometry using plastic fibers, v. 9634, p. 96342Z.

9)      Simplified Brillouin sensor for structural health monitoring applicationsbased on passive optical filtering, v. 9634, p. 96346O.

10)   Enhanced tolerance to pulse extinction ratio in Brillouin optical timedomain analysis sensors by dithering of the optical source, v. 9634, p. 96344Z.

11)   Colour cyclic code for Brillouin distributed sensors, v. 9634, p. 963431.

12)   Differential chirped-pulse pair for sub-meter spatial resolution Brillouindistributed fiber sensing, v. 9634, p. 96341D.

13)   High-resolution Brillouin analysis of composite materials beams, v. 9634,p. 96346N.

14)   Simple BOTDA temperature sensor based on distributed Brillouin phase-shiftmeasurements within a Sagnac interferometer, v. 9634, p. 96346L.

15)   Brillouin optical correlation domain reflectometry with temporal gatingscheme and apodization scheme, v. 9634, p. 96341A.

16)   High-performance Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry, v.9634, p. 96342V.

17)   BOTDA-based DTS robustness demonstration for subsea structure monitoringapplications, v. 9634, p. 96345Z

18)   Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis with more than 1 millioneffective sensing points, v. 9634, p. 96340I.

19)   Intensifying Brillouin distributed fibre sensors using image processing,v. 9634, p. 96342D.

20)   High-sensitive distributed transverse load sensing based on Brillouindynamic gratings, v. 9634, p. 96346M.

21)   Mitigation of modulation instability in Brillouin distributed fibersensors by using orthogonal polarization pulses, v. 9634, p. 963433.

22)   Overcoming non-local effects and Brillouin threshold limitations inBrillouin distributed sensors, v. 9634, p. 963487.

23)   Brilloun optical time domain analysis sensor assisted by a Brillouindistributed amplifier, v. 9634, p. 96344U.

24)   Sources of noise in Brillouin optical time-domain analyzers, v. 9634, p.963434.

25)   Bend-insensitive distributed sensing in singlemode-multimode-singlemodeoptical fiber structure by using Brillouin optical time-domain analysis, v.9634, p. 96344Y.

26)   Multi-parameter sensing based on the stimulated Brillouin scattering ofhigher-order acoustic modes in OAM fiber, v. 9634, p. 96340L.

27)   200 km fiber-loop Brillouin distributed fiber sensor using bipolar Golaycodes and a three-tone probe, v. 9634, p. 96340J.


28)   200 MW hydroelectric generator stator surface temperature monitoring usinga DTS system, v. 9634, p. 963442.

29)   Temperature calibration of optical fiber attenuation differences inducedmeasurement error of Raman distributed temperature sensor, v. 9634, p. 96344R.

30)   Raman distributed temperature measurement at CERN high energy acceleratormixed field radiation test facility (CHARM), v. 9634, p. 963446.


31)   A distributed acoustic and temperature sensor using a commercialoff-the-shelf DFB laser, v. 9634, p. 96342C.

32)   Distributed acoustic sensing: towards partial discharge monitoring, v.9634, p. 96341C.


33)   Optical frequency domain reflectometry based fiber Bragg grating vibrationsensor array using sinusoidal current modulation of laser diodes, v. 9634, p.96341F.

34)   Over 100km long ultra-sensitive dynamic sensing via Gated-OFDR, v. 9634,p. 96341B.

35)   Coating impact and radiation effects on optical frequency domain reflectometryfiber-based temperature sensors, v. 9634, p. 96346U.

36)   Compensation of optical source phase noise in long-range OFDR by using anoptical fiber delay loop, v. 9634, p. 96342Y.

37)   Quasi-distributed fiber sensor based on Fresnel-reflection-enhanced Incomplete-POTDRsystem, v. 9634, p. 96347F.

38)   Distributed fiber vibration measurement based on phase extraction fromtime-gated digital OFDR, v. 9634, p. 96342W.

39)   Narrow-linewidth laser source with precision frequency tunability fordistributed optical sensing applications, v. 9634, p. 96346V.

40)   Novel multi-point disturbance detection method for polarization-sensitiveoptical time domain reflectometry, v. 9634, p. 96344Q.

41)   New properties of a fiber optic sensor in application of a composite fencefor critical infrastructure protection, v. 9634, p. 963483.

42)   Ultra-long and high-stability random laser based on EDF gain-media andRayleigh scattering distributed mirror, v. 9634, p. 96345D.



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