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Build Qt submodule QtSvg
2019-1-9 05:51
Statically building Qt5 may not generate all componnets needed, such as QtSvg (Scalable Vector Graphics, SVG), depending on configurations. One example ofofficial configurations (givenhere https://wiki.qt.io/Building_Qt_5_from_Git )is configure -static -opengl desktop -openvg -n ...
1704 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2018-11-18 11:13
&nb ...
2502 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
TensorFlow tensor shape dimensions
2018-8-16 23:37
Q: How to get the dimensions (shape) ofa tensor as integer values? import tensorflow as tf shape = tensor = tf.ones(shape=shape) tensor.get_shape().as_list() Sources: https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/tensors https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40666316/how-to-get-tensorflow-ten ...
2385 次阅读|没有评论
cudnn Exception error with GpuDnnConv
2018-7-12 23:27
Software environment: cuda_8.06 cudnn5005 Implementation error on cudnn for deep neural network: Exception: ('The following error happened while compiling the node', GpuDnnConv{algo='small', inplace=True, num_groups=1}(GpuContiguous.0, GpuContiguous.0, GpuAllocEmpty ...
2786 次阅读|没有评论
2018 SCI Journal Citation Reports
2018-6-27 00:42
Check the attachment for a glimpse of 2018 JCR impact factors. 2018 JCR IF.xlsx Source: https://clarivate.com/blog/science-research-connect/the-2018-jcr-release-is-here/
3803 次阅读|没有评论

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