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IP: 59.148.100.*   [5]王毅翔   2015-7-15 23:59
你可否轉一些你中意我的post, 希望增加些閱讀量
IP: 202.118.28.*   [4]David3883   2014-9-23 13:10
IP: 108.49.139.*   [3]何毓琦   2013-2-7 00:06
Dear 严成, You commented on  my blog article "on Lexington's 300 birthday" and I replied to your comment. But today I found that my reply was deleted by the editorial office. For the life of me, I cannot remember what I said that o9ffended the editors of science net. Can you remember what I said?
我的回复(2013-2-9 10:54):Professor, the last message I have just delivered you is the picture of our dialogue. Frankly speaking, I cannot understand the deletion of your reply about my comment.
我的回复(2013-2-9 10:50):Professor, I am also a senior student at college and now I plan to pursue my PhD in Materials Science and Engineering  abroad. Last Aprial, I registered in SciencenNet and certainly learnt much from it, especially from blogs written by such experienced persons as you, Jiang Jiping, Han Jian and Yu Hailiang and so forth. In my opinion, writing blogs is a means of communication and expressing one's view. More importantly, we should not depreciate and assault somebody even though we have the opposite standpoint. Because everyone has his or her own life and work experiences, they may resultantly hold different views, sometime even completely reverse. However, every blog would have its fans, namely the followers. Apparently, I am your fans and I broaden my horizons from you blogs. At least, I feel shamed in comparison with your grandson, a high school senior.   
博主回复(2012-12-20 22:32):评论回复已经被科学网删除
博主回复(2012-12-20 22:32):Thank you.
我的回复(2013-2-9 10:50):Professor, I am also a senior student at college and now I plan to pursue my PhD in Materials Science and Engineering  abroad. Last Aprial, I registered in SciencenNet and certainly learnt much from it, especially from blogs written by such experienced persons as you, Jiang Jiping, Han Jian and Yu Hailiang and so forth. In my opinion, writing blogs is a means of communication and expressing one's view. More importantly, we should not depreciate and assault somebody even though we have the opposite standpoint. Because everyone has his or her own life and work experiences, they may resultantly hold different views, sometime even completely reverse. However, every blog would have its fans, namely the followers. Apparently, I am your fans and I broaden my horizons from you blogs. At least, I feel shamed in comparison with your grandson, a high school senior.   
博主回复(2012-12-20 22:32):评论回复已经被科学网删除
博主回复(2012-12-20 22:32):Thank you.
IP: 123.138.79.*   [2]黄林科   2013-1-25 11:20
我的回复(2013-1-27 19:06):谢谢师兄~~~追随你的足迹啊~~
IP: 120.209.165.*   [1]严成   2012-5-13 23:31

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