
[Article] Gracillariidae in Russia and Adjacent Countries 前苏联地区的细蛾
戴小华 2010-3-29 13:06
Gracillariidae in Russia and Adjacent Countries 前苏联地区的细蛾 关键词:leafminer,mine,insect,潜叶虫,潜道,昆虫,植物,plant Kuznetzov V I, Baryshnikova (Seksyayeva) S V. 1998. Brief catalogue of the mining moths of the Fam. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) of Russia and adjacent countries. ...
个人分类: References 参考文献|4218 次阅读|没有评论
戴小华 2010-3-19 22:26
***Newly Added Ecology Related Journals Covered by SCIE** **************新近加入的生态学相关SCIE刊物*************** (2010.3.19整理) Key Words 关键词:SCIE,Ecology,Journal,生态学,刊物,SCI Australian Journal of Crop Science Newly Added Avian Biology Research Changed from AVI ...
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|4739 次阅读|2 个评论
老虎与潜叶虫 Tigers and leafminers
戴小华 2010-2-12 19:02
老虎与潜叶虫 Tigers and leafminers 关键词:潜叶,老虎,昆虫,植物,leafminer,tiger,insect,plant Hypothesis: Tigers ?- Vertebrates (eg. deers) (- Flowers) - Leaves - Leafminers 虎年了,咱也来凑个热闹。 有人会问:老虎跟潜叶虫,一个是顶级的捕食者,一个是渺小的食叶昆 ...
个人分类: Ecology 生态学|4087 次阅读|没有评论
我收集的潜叶虫论著和重要综述 Books/reviews on leafminers
戴小华 2010-1-30 23:20
1 我收集的潜叶虫论著和重要综述:最早,最迟 1 Books/reviews on leafminers that I have collected: earliest, latest 中国 China:1986,2009; 日本 Japan:1966,2009; 欧洲 Europe:1951,2010; 美国 USA:1928,2009; 澳洲 Australia New Zealand:1881,2010 2 潜叶虫文献丰富度 2 The richness ...
个人分类: References 参考文献|3968 次阅读|没有评论
[Book] Field guide to plant galls of California and other western states 加州及其它西部
戴小华 2010-1-17 20:38
Field guide to plant galls of California and other western states 加州及其它西部诸州植物瘿野外指南 Russo, Ron. 2006. Field guide to plant galls of California and other western states. University of California. pp 1-397. Table of Contents 目录 Acknowledgments and Preface 致谢和序言&nbs ...
个人分类: Plant galls 植物瘿|4132 次阅读|没有评论
戴小华 2009-12-30 13:06
期刊影响因子的学科差异、领域差异以及绩效考核 单位:中国科学院动物研究所 北京 100101作者:贾志云    ...
个人分类: 扯闲皮儿 Babble Chat|4991 次阅读|2 个评论
生态学一千问 A thousand questions on ecology (1)
戴小华 2009-11-28 12:46
Question 1: 有一种药物,1000例绝症里面只能治愈1例,请问统计学上显著否?这个药物是否值得开发?能用否?总比治不好强吧? If there is a drug, by which only one case in 1000 cases of fatal disease canbe cured, I ask whether the differences arestatistically significant? Is  ...
个人分类: Exchange & Cooperation 交流与合作|3376 次阅读|2 个评论
[BOOK] Plant Galls of Great Britain 大不列颠的植物瘿
戴小华 2009-11-24 20:27
Plant Galls of Great Britain 大不列颠的植物瘿 Connold, E. J. (1909) Plant Galls of Great Britain. Adlard Son, London. pp 1-292. Contents 目录 Preface 前言 1 About plant galls 关于植物瘿 2 Where, and when, to look for galls 哪里何时去找植物瘿 3 How to collect, arrange, an ...
个人分类: Plant galls 植物瘿|4412 次阅读|没有评论
[BOOK] Ecology of Plant Galls 植物瘿的生态学
戴小华 2009-11-24 20:01
Ecology of Plant Galls 植物瘿的生态学 Mani, M.S. (1964) Ecology of Plant Galls. The Hague: W. Junk. pp 1- 434. Contents: Preface 前言 1 Introduction 简介 2 Gall-Bearing Plants Gall-Inducing Organisms 产瘿植物和造瘿生物 3 Structure of Galls 瘿的结构 4 Root Galls 根瘿 5 Sh ...
个人分类: Plant galls 植物瘿|4619 次阅读|没有评论
[Books] Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Gall-inducing Arthropods 造瘿节肢动物的生物学、生
戴小华 2009-11-18 21:05
Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Gall-inducing Arthropods 造瘿节肢动物的生物学、生态学和进化 Raman A, Schaefer CW, Withers TM. 2005. Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Gall-inducing Arthropods. Volumes 1 2. Enfield: Science Publishers, Inc. pp 1-780. 关键词 Key words: galls,mines ...
个人分类: Plant galls 植物瘿|6492 次阅读|没有评论

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