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Final Step In Proof Of 3 X + 1 Continued
2017-4-30 18:14
The Unrepeatable Function The unrepeatable function is NRF (P) = { 3 ^ (a - 1) + 3 ^ (a - 2) x 2 ^ r (1) + 3 ^ (a - 3) x 2 ^ r (1) x 2 ^ r (2) + ..... + + ..... + + } / { - 3 ^ a } where a is an integer for the munber of 3 X + 1 advance operations, ...
1611 次阅读|没有评论
Final Step In Proof Of 3 X + 1
2017-4-29 18:28
Youneedtoestablishtwofunctions Thefirstisunrepeatablefunction, whichdetermineorprovethat theoddnumbersitgothroughareneverrepeatable; &nbs ...
1664 次阅读|没有评论
A Simple Partial Proof Of 3X + 1 Problem
2017-4-27 17:17
1.ItsatisfyconstantCyouchoose; 2.SupposeitsatisfyanyintegernwhenXn; 3.WhenX=n+1,ifnisodd,itsatisfy&nbs ...
1310 次阅读|没有评论
A Generic Proof Of P != NP
2017-2-7 14:41
AGenericProofOfP!=NP Supposeadecisionproblemf(n)isBoolean(NP), itstimecomplexityisn^c,wherec=acontant. Whennincreases,& ...
2125 次阅读|没有评论
P and NP Problem Continued
2017-2-4 01:12
Byonedefinition, PistheproblemsovableinpolynomialtimeusingDTM, NPistheproblemsovableinpolynomialtimeusingNDTM. Basically,NDTMisa ...
2132 次阅读|没有评论
Hamiltonian Problem Is Exponential
2017-1-31 20:30
Posa'sHamiltonianalgorithmoranyotheralgorithm isatleastexponential. Ireadsomeone'sblogdoingthisalgorithm, unfortunately,thisisatypicalexponentialalgorithm ...
1700 次阅读|没有评论
Time Complexity Is Purely Theoretical
2017-1-15 21:29
TimeComplexityIsPurelyTheoretical, Yes,thisistrue,nomatterwhatcomputingstructuresareused, timecomplexitywillnotchange. YoucanuseDTMorother&nbs ...
2033 次阅读|没有评论
Why Satisfiaility Problem Is Not A NP Problem
2017-1-13 19:48
WhyIsSatisfiailityProblemNotANPProblem? Becausebysomedefinition,poynomialtimeverificationisnotalwayssatisfied. Toshowwhy,supposethatits'sim ...
2323 次阅读|没有评论
2017-1-10 21:19
OntheSummmaryofPandNPproblem, takenoticeofthefollowingimportantpoints: 1.Thisproblemisacomplexproblem, composedoftwodifferentpartsor ...
2052 次阅读|没有评论
Factors Of Boat's Final Position
2017-1-5 18:50
Youhavehadalotofdebatesonthefinalposition ofboatman'sboat. Therearemanyfactorsthatwillhaveimpactonthis. Basically,theyare: 1.Thespeedof ...
1923 次阅读|没有评论

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