The benefit of choosing a twisted title scrawled in a twisted language other than the one everybody of us is used to, I have been thinking for quite a long time, might lies on the fact that this would ward off those who don’t have a serious understanding of evolution and evolutionary psychology an ...
Blackberry text reader 古董级的软件,安卓天下,用户越来越少,但总还是有人用。 Word2go,Repligo,Anyview,就不用说了,版面中规中矩。Repligo的reading view,跟纯文本阅读器差不多。Anyview的用户设置也很丰富,但没有模式的快速切换。 Buku Reader也试了一下:安装和运行需要BBM(BBM没法用不要紧,装上 ...