
姜永进 2015-7-17 17:04
前段时间看到过NASA一个雄心勃勃的计划,似乎,发现地外生命是很有把握的事。 平民的想象和科学家的推测似乎都这么认为,只要一个星球上能有类似地球的环境,能找到有机物的痕迹,比如甲烷、氨基酸等,就必然应该有生命,至少,可能性很大。然而,从地球生命进化过程来看,这样的乐观似乎很盲目。 不管地球上的原始生命配 ...
2097 次阅读|没有评论
姜永进 2015-7-16 16:45
许多人很讨厌“本能”这个词,说是“过时”了。过时?生物学者在一窝蜂地“基因”,本能这个词似乎更没必要了。能找到基因的,就存在,找不到的,就别提本能这两个字。 这不,中美英科学家联合发现抑郁基因--似乎是个重大发现。其实,这只是个技术,并且,也不一定是完美解决的技术问题--别的基因就与此毫不相关?精神病 ...
4529 次阅读|没有评论
Aggressiveness other than male violence-5
姜永进 2015-7-1 10:15
The power of a weapons the heavily-invested parent employs varies with timing and circumstance. The most aggressive attacker knows how to use it, and when, and where. The subordinate one, whose role is obvious if you have a sense of what I am discussing, has no choice but to stay and endure the ...
1768 次阅读|没有评论
Aggressiveness other than male violence-4
姜永进 2015-6-14 11:08
In violent conflicts, weapons matter, and this is precisely the case in conflicts between the child and the parent of major parental investment. For all the weapons the child can manage to grip, perhaps the only deadly one is death, since he himself is a vital tool, which means the gene carrier ...
1947 次阅读|没有评论
Aggressiveness other than male violence-3
姜永进 2015-6-7 11:20
Aggressivenessis not always expressed in physical conflicts, sure enough, languages, orrather vocalizations in animals, and body gestures are often more widely usedas weapons. Thanks to facial expressions and unique human language, unlikeanimals other than modern Homo, aggressiveness can be expre ...
1950 次阅读|没有评论
Aggressiveness other than male violence-2
姜永进 2015-6-6 16:22
Owning to the nature of thissubject and the fact that I am not concentrating on it, it is bound to be looselyconstructed. Nevertheless, I am trying to cover major aspects of theaggressiveness other than male-style violence. Intra-sex competition,though exists in different ways, is universal; fo ...
2107 次阅读|没有评论
Aggressiveness other than male violence
姜永进 2015-5-31 10:56
The benefit of choosing a twisted title scrawled in a twisted language other than the one everybody of us is used to, I have been thinking for quite a long time, might lies on the fact that this would ward off those who don’t have a serious understanding of evolution and evolutionary psychology an ...
1831 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 姜永进 2015-3-20 17:39
拳头常常作为攻击性行为的标记。 人类,是唯一善于紧握拳头打击敌人的动物,攻击的目标常常是面部。所以,有人就说 ---- 要这么说就当然能找到证据 ---- 面部的进化就与拳头的功能相适应。主要表现在,雄性化就是以抗击打能力为指标,比如,头大脖子粗,宽阔的下巴,等等。 问题是,人类还是最善于使用工 ...
2538 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 姜永进 2015-3-11 11:34
人类的进化,脑容量这一特征最突出。大脑袋,小鼻子小嘴巴,那是婴儿。雌性,这样尚可。雄性,这个样子就缺乏攻击性,不好。与雌性相比,雄性还是更多保留了原始人类的特征,比如突出的眉骨。所谓的美女与野兽,从性选择角度看,是既矛盾又统一的。 北京猿人,直立人,是更早期的人种,看看他们的头骨,额头倾斜, ...
4668 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1

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