波动传说分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/zsunnywell 未来是非线性的高科技时代!


2010-12-22 10:37
现象    月食 分为半影月食、月偏食和月全食三种。在这3种月食中,当属月全食最为好看,此时,从地球上看 去, 月亮 并不是从空中消失,而是呈现难得一见的古铜色,也就是平常所说的红月亮。   和平时的满月不太一样,圆圆的月亮边上还有一个大光圈,散发着金红色的光。坊间叫它 风圈 ...
个人分类: 电磁波理论/光学|4450 次阅读|没有评论
Visible-light cloaking of large objects
2010-12-22 09:25
By Hamish Johnston If you type the word invisible into the search engine on arXiv.org you get a very curious result. Two papers with nearly identical titles, uploaded three days apart. A quick scan of both papers, which are by separate groups, reveals that they are both ...
个人分类: 非均匀介质中的波|17787 次阅读|没有评论

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