
张晗 2009-9-18 16:48
石墨烯可以产生高能量超短脉冲 OPTICS EXPRESS,Vol. 17, P17630. http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home2006/zhan0174/OE_graphene.pdf Abstract: We report on large energy pulse generation in an erbium-doped fiber laser passively mode-locked with atomic layer graphene. Stable mode locked pulses with sing ...
个人分类: 石墨烯|4199 次阅读|3 个评论
石墨烯可用于产生超短脉冲(Advanced Functional Material)
张晗 2009-8-27 12:54
石墨烯可用于产生超短脉冲 石墨烯自从被发现具有独特的物理性质以来,就被广大科研工作者广泛研究。例如其光波导特性,在线性光学范畴,理论和实验都证实了其光波导与波长无关,是一个恒定的常数: Fine structure constant = 2.3 % 。然而,其非线性吸收特性并非如此。实验表明,当入 ...
个人分类: 石墨烯|6892 次阅读|7 个评论
张晗 2009-8-21 17:22
光纤中首次观测到矢量明暗光孤子 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.052302 &nb ...
个人分类: 矢量孤子|5881 次阅读|1 个评论
多波长耗散型光孤子(Optics Express)
张晗 2009-7-11 21:16
Multi-wavelength dissipative soliton operation of an erbium-doped fiber laser Optics Express : 17, 12692-12697 http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-17-15-12692 多波长激光器具有广泛的应用,特别是在 WDM 光通讯领域。传统意义上的多 ...
个人分类: 矢量孤子|6241 次阅读|1 个评论
Nerve soliton (转载)
张晗 2009-3-16 22:20
Nerve signals may be shock wave riders: Wired has a good break down of theory that says that nerve cells don't work on electricity as we assume, but instead transmit signals using pressure waves, and crucially, this might explain how anaesthetics work. The idea that nerve cells send the ...
个人分类: 光孤子理论|4380 次阅读|没有评论
Nonlinearity in the heart
张晗 2009-3-16 22:04
Nonlinearity in the heart Nonlinear wave dynamics can help to explain what happens to the heart during an irregularity of the heartbeat known as a cardiac arrhythmia. Computer models of the process are helping to improve methods for treating this potentially lethal medical condition. Your ...
个人分类: 光孤子理论|6222 次阅读|1 个评论
Solitons underpin new laser (转载)
张晗 2009-3-16 21:56
Solitons underpin new laser Ackemann and colleagues Physicists in the UK and Germany have harnessed the curious properties of soliton waves to create a new type of semiconductor laser that can be switched on and off using light pulses. The team believe that this cavity solit ...
个人分类: 光孤子理论|3871 次阅读|没有评论
张晗 2009-3-9 19:30
转载自http://bbs.whu.edu.cn/bbstcon.php?board=Physicsgid=1103389810 DearDivisionalAssociateEditor, ForsometimenowthereadersandEditorsofPRLhaveconcludedthatit publishestoomany ...
个人分类: 其他|5801 次阅读|没有评论

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