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云师大ZenXingzhu在《Journal of Innovation & Knowledge》上发表最新研究成果

已有 1719 次阅读 2023-10-8 22:39 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:论文交流

2023年9月27日,Elsevier 旗下国际著名期刊《Journal of Innovation & Knowledge》在线发表了云南师范大学ZenXingzhu、江苏大学Hira Salah ud din Khan、英国爱丁堡大学Peihuan Li、International Islamic University、纳瓦拉公立大学Muhammad Salman Chughtai和英国卡迪夫城市大学Muhammad Tahir Mushtaq的知识共享和创造性类最新研究成果《The role of knowledge sharing and creative self-efficacy on the self-leadership and innovative work behavior relationship》。云南师范大学ZenXingzhu为通讯作者。



The current study employs social cognitive theory to analyze the moderated mediation model of self-leadership and innovative work behavior. Further, this research assesses the mediating impact of knowledge sharing, and the moderating effect of creative self-efficacy in the above-mentioned direct relationship. To test this model, data were gathered, at two different times, from 283 subordinates and 129 supervisors, working in various software companies in major cities in Punjab, Pakistan. The findings showed a significant impact of self-leadership and innovative work behavior. Additionally, the results supported the mediating role of creative self-efficacy in the association between these two qualities. Moreover, a higher level of knowledge sharing strengthens the link between self-leadership and innovative work behavior. The study revealed that self-leadership is vital in fostering innovative work behavior. This research recommends how businesses might use self-leadership strategies to promote innovative work behavior.

Journal of Innovation & Knowledge(以下简称JIK)是Elsevier(爱思唯尔)出版社旗下的刊物,于2016年创刊,致力于在包括经济学、商业和管理、工程、科学和教育在内的一系列领域推进理论和实践创新和知识。SCI影响因子为18.1.



  • 创新

  • 与创新有关的知识模式

  • 在社会中引入创新和最佳做法的与知识有关的变革

  • 创新和知识的全球化

  • 创造知识的创新政策和实践

  • 跨文化知识与创新案例研究

  • 理解和促进创新和知识的新的实用模式和范例

  • 来自数据的知识和创新

  • 知识和创新方面的信息系统

  • 组织中的知识和创新及其行为

  • 基于知识和创新的系统、产品和过程

  • 影响实施和管理创新和知识的教育系统开发人员和教育工作者的问题

  • 知识与创新的伦理

  • 知识和创新转移

  • 知识和创新的质量

The Journal of Innovation and Knowledge (JIK) focuses on how we gain knowledge through innovation and how knowledge encourages new forms of innovation. Not all innovation leads to knowledge. Only enduring innovation that can be generalized across multiple fields creates theory and knowledge. JIK welcomes papers on innovations that improve the quality of knowledge or that can be used to develop knowledge. Innovation is a broad concept, covering innovation processes, structures, outcomes, antecedents, and behaviors at the organizational level in the private and public sectors as well as at the individual, national, and professional levels. JIK articles explore knowledge-related changes that introduce or encourage innovation to promote best practices within society.


下一篇:云师大李俊青教授课题组在《Swarm and Evolutionary Computation》杂志发表2篇最新研究成果
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