Fighting bird分享


Hadoop Linux 环境搭建之路
2010-7-16 14:59
个人分类: cloud|5309 次阅读|没有评论
Scalability and the Cloud
2010-5-11 15:01
Scalability - Ability to handle increasing amount of work gracefully - Dimensions: - Load - Handling increasing load by adding resources - Geographic - Maintain performance in case of geographically distributed systems - Functional - Adding new features using minimum effort ...
个人分类: cloud|4035 次阅读|没有评论
2010-5-11 14:53
I I don't understand the advantages of ColumnFamilies over a SuperColumnFamily with just one supercolumn. Why have the former if the latter is functionally equivalent? Key ...
2625 次阅读|没有评论
Debate between SQL and cloud database
2010-5-11 14:30
By a cloud database, I mean one with the following properties: provided as part of a hosting package by large web companies like Amazon, Google, Rackspace, Microsoft and even smaller ones like Joyent and Heroku. designed so that they scale up automatically as traff ...
4086 次阅读|没有评论
Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing(二)
2010-5-10 23:02
3. 什么是云计算 云计算是既指通过Internet作为服务发布的应用程序,也指提供这些服务的数据中心中的软硬件。这些服务本身一直以来都被称为SaaS,所以我们使用这个术语。而数据中心软硬件就是我们称之为云的东西。 当一个云以即用即付费(pay as you go)的方式提供给公众时,我们称其为公共云(public cloud);销售的服务就 ...
个人分类: cloud|6995 次阅读|没有评论

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