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作者: 羽衣飞飞 《高效能人士的七个习惯》是我非常欣赏的一本书,这是一个系列,把七个习惯应用在工作关系上,家庭关系上,还给小孩子们和青少年各出了一本书。 我儿子小学四年级的时候我给他买了《高效能孩子的七个习惯》,他挺喜欢的,读了好几遍。他当时学的比较好的是揹elay
gratification敽蛽be responsible for your fun (being
proactive)�,书很简单,有趣,他自己读的,悟也是自己悟的。 其中里面的一个关于人际关系他是这么阐述的,人与人的关系是三个阶段:dependent --〉independent--〉interdependent. 从依赖,到独立,到最后学会跟人建立比较亲密的关系。在那之前,我一直致力于培养独立的风范,学完那本书之后才开始转向学习怎么跟周围建立和谐的关系,据他说,能够学会有效处理矛盾和冲突,能够处理好各项关系才是人真正强大的开始。 记得我当时是这么慨叹的:我刚刚爬出依赖的大坑,努力迈进独立的领域,您就让我再游回去,还有没有天理啊。。。。。 游回去并且还游刃有余的人,请一定站出来,接受我的大礼。 the seven habits of highly effective teens The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families The concept of the Seven Habits is based on
Stephen Covey and has been utilized by millions of people, young and
old alike, to make life more rewarding and productive. Highly proactive
students recognize that their behavior is a product of their conscious
choices. The following is a brief overview of the Seven Habits: Habit 1: Be Proactive- Take the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen. Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind- Start
with a clear destination so as to understand where you are now, where
you're going and what you value most. Habit 3: Put First Things First- Manage yourself. Organize and execute around priorities. Habit 4: Think Win/Win: See life as a
cooperative, not competitive, arena where success is not achieved at the
expense of exclusion of others. Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then Be
Understood- Build the skills of empathetic listening that inspires
openness and trust. Habit 6: Synergize- Apply the principles of cooperative creativity and value differences. Habit 7: Sharpen The Saw- Preserve and
enhance your greatest asset-yourself- by renewing the physical,
spiritual, mental, and so/cial-emotional dimensions of your nature.
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