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英语学习- 口语句子-8- We tend to be grumpy when we are tired.
2019-7-5 09:17
we tend to be grumpy when we're tired. https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryancollinseurope/2018/08/09/why-you-should-take-a-nap-every-day-and-how-to-get-away-with-it/#ff6a9171427a
个人分类: 未分类|1781 次阅读|没有评论
英语学习- 口语句子-7- it depends on how tired i\'m
2019-7-5 09:13
It depends on how tired I am. And depends if I did pair-programming the whole work day or not. https://medium.com/@oleksii_f/it-depends-on-how-tired-i-am-and-depends-if-i-did-pair-programming-the-whole-work-day-or-not-5a995b40f18e https://books.google.ca/books?id=-tr6CAAAQBAJpg ...
个人分类: 未分类|1852 次阅读|没有评论
IELTS-SPEAKING-1-How many hours do you sleep every day?
2019-6-30 20:57
How many hours do you sleep every day? I usually sleep for about 8-9 hours per night. I normally go to bed beofre 10 clock at night, and wake up at 6 am. I've heard many celebrities can sleep only 4 hours or even less, but that dosen't work for me. 参考: https://ieltsunlocked.wor ...
个人分类: 创新教育|2261 次阅读|没有评论

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