2024年3月10-13日,生物学家联盟与国际生理学会(IUPS)联合会比较生理学委员会在南非克鲁格国家公园(Kruger National Park, South Africa)联合主办了“全球南部研究如何塑造未来比较生理学学术研讨会”(How Global South Research Can Shape the Future of Comparative Physiology)。
The history of comparative physiology
How we define modern comparative physiology
How to successfully integrate knowledge from various levels of biological organisation (linking genotype to the phenotype in the environment)
Research approaches and methods in modern comparative physiology
The value and future role of comparative physiology
How comparative physiology can better inform other disciplines
The value of comparative physiology in education
Opportunities for Global South researchers in comparative physiology
Resources and networks needed to support Global South researchers
我受邀参加并做主题报告“Secrets of Success: Running a successful Comparative Physiology lab in the Global South”。我主要分享了作为新的PI和研究生导师在运行实验室方面的一些个人见解。
l 建立实验室
l 建立实验系统
l 选择研究方向
l 基金申请
l 国内外合作等
l 建立研究团队
l 树立团队的榜样:如何做好的科研
l 营造学习和工作温馨和谐的氛围、积极向上的文化以及团队成员可依赖的环境
l 尊重每一个团队成员
l 传承科学精神、文化和研究
(一个人)在学术生涯早期遇到良师,意味着未来学业的成功。(‘Having a good mentor early in your career can mean the difference between success and failure in any field’)。
鼓励年轻科学家做对他们刚开始的事业有益的事情,而不是做对于你已经建立的事业有益的事情。(‘Encourage young scientists to do what’s best for their budding career, not what’s best for your established career. )
导师要支持和指导自己的学生,帮助他们建立和掌握未来工作所需和职业发展所需的基本技能。(Supervisors should support and mentor their students and postdocs to help them build the skills required to get jobs and navigate their own career path.’)
(导师)要给研究生以真诚地鼓励。科研过程不容易,失败是常事,年轻学者经常感到无助和无望。导师或PI的真诚鼓励的话语,回给研究生重新鼓足勇气开始新的实验的勇气。(‘Offer honest words of encouragement. Research is difficult, failure frequent, and feelings of inadequacy rampant among young scientists. Words of encouragement from a PI can be the difference between a student giving up or pushing through yet another experiment.’)
(导师)要给学生表达自己观点的自由。鼓励所有团队成员分享他们的想法,有利于建立和营造实验室友好的氛围,使得年轻学者享受科研的过程,有智慧地成长。(‘Give students the freedom to express their views. Encouraging all lab members to share their ideas will help establish a friendly environment in the lab, allowing young scientists to enjoy the research process and grow intellectually.’)
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