终于等到全文和正式页码 The Effects of Hydrogen-Rich Saline on the Contractile and Structural Changes of.pdf Journal of Surgical Research , Volume 167, Issue 2 , 15 May 2011 , Pages 316-322 Han Chen, Yan Ping Sun, Ping Fang Hu, Wen Wu Liu, Hong Gang Xiang, Yang L ...
这个内容与上一个是同一个时间段开展的,更简单一些 Hydrogen-rich saline reduces lung injury induced by intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in rats Abstract Objective: Hydrogen has been reported to selectively reduce the hydroxyl radical, the most cytotoxic of reactive oxygen species. In t ...
关于该文章的新闻报道 http://www.newsrx.com/newsletters/Health-Risk-Factor-Week/2009-05-12/2905122009391HRW.html 刚接到杂志通知, Dear Mr. Zheng: I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript entitled Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects against ...