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穷科学家生存须知 精选

已有 7669 次阅读 2013-9-30 17:14 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:海外观察| 科学家








当年我学习期间,20多人在这里工作,包括7个研究生、许多博士后和一个整天牢骚满腹的本科生。该本科生的典型语言是“Adam, the data are being weird!"。我相信他现在应该是一个医学生。这里曾经是是系里最大的,拥有大量研究设备和研究经费的充满生机活力的实验室。但是,现在似乎成为这个国家削减研究预算的牺牲品。许多研究计划被取消,实验仪器被搁置,20多研究人员变成可怜巴巴惶惶度日的区区5个。




1.       减少参加学术会议。

2.       申请经费时,声称你需要贵重仪器。如果你是在数学领域,就说你将需要一个数学级的粒子加速器。

3.       减少研究生工资。

4.       千万记住树上不会长钱。和一个搞植物遗传学家合作例外。

5.       买一些低价股,他们信誓旦旦会爆涨。

6.       把实验室外墙卖给广告公司作广告。

7.       挖苦心思地把你新发现的物种转换成广告出售。如“精神航空公司疟原虫”和“先进.com埃希氏杆菌属”等等。

8.       把你学术论文结果部分作为广告出售。例如你可以说,“我们的研究结果证明‘清凉诚实茶’和脑电伽马慢波可以提高脑电图单次分类”

9.       把老仪器买掉。

10.  按照经费资助目录一家家叫买。我们有卷筒纸!我们有英国奶酪!等等

11.  Ask wealthy old Mrs. Teasdale. She's looking to give away millions of dollars, but only if Rufus T. Firefly is instated as president of Freedonia. (Ah, Marxist economics.)

12.  Convince the principal investigator (PI) to work part-time as a PI. Just change "principal" to "private," and … I don't know. There's a joke in there somewhere.

13.  Many crowdfunding sites will let you solicit donations in return for guaranteeing certain results for the donors. Science works awesome when you preemptively guarantee results.

14.  Hey, make a meth lab. There's nothing naïve about assuming you can produce large amounts of meth, sell it, and then get out of the game. (I'm still on season two, so don't tell me what happens.)

15.  Apply for grant money from the National Institutes of Health. Just kidding! They're poor.

16.  In these times of austerity, funding committees tend to favor realistic research with straightforward, practical applications. So you're screwed.

17.  Peering into the empty corners of my former workspace, I noticed that a dying lab looks different from any other dying business. Ninety-eight percent of the equipment, the reagents on the shelves, the Post-it notes on the refrigerator, don't change. The cabinets aren't cleaned out, the computers aren't hauled away, and the assets aren't sold as scrap. It's the people who disappear.

That's what made the lab seem so empty. The freezer from the early 1980s? Still there. The glove box in the hallway, which has sat in the hallway as long as anyone can remember, neither used nor usable but for some reason sporting a sign that reads, "NOT TRASH"? Still there. But grad students have stopped joining the lab, postdocs have stopped post-docking, and the line for the microwave in the lunch room is depressingly short.

It's that absence that kills a lab. People without equipment can only accomplish so much, but equipment without people accomplishes nothing. It's not a lab; it's a storeroom.

I understand that belt-tightening is inevitable. And there may be nothing you can do. Still, I urge all you principal—not private—investigators: As you work to cover your budget shortfall, please do anything you can to keep the people around. Labs thrive on ideas, and at least for now, only people have ideas. Times being what they are, they may not have a future in science, but for now they're science's beating heart. They're more valuable than any piece of equipment.



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