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已有 5049 次阅读 2011-12-13 11:06 |个人分类:医学气体杂志|系统分类:科研笔记| style, 医学, class, 杂志, white


    20115月创刊的medical gas res杂志,到目前为止已经运行了半年,从目前的稿件质量,编辑水平和审稿人的能力看,该杂志是非常成功的。本周该杂志的正式发表的28篇文章全部顺利登陆著名医学数据库medline。根据计划,该杂志仍将进入Scopus数据库。下一个目标将是进入SCI数据库。medline论文地址:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez



全部论文都可以免费下全文,欢迎阅读,欢迎评价。Results: 28

Book Review: Gas Biology Research in Clinical Practice, edited by Toshikazu Yoshikawa and Yuji Naito.

Nakao A, Toyoda Y. Med Gas Res. 2011 Oct 3;1(1):25. No abstract available.


Open-label trial and randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial of hydrogen-enriched water for mitochondrial and inflammatory myopathies.

Ito M, Ibi T, Sahashi K, Ichihara M, Ito M, Ohno K. Med Gas Res. 2011 Oct 3;1(1):24.


Molecules, magic and forgetful fruit flies: the supernatural science of medical gas research.

Mychaskiw G 2nd. Med Gas Res. 2011 Sep 6;1(1):23.


Normobaric hyperoxia protects the blood brain barrier through inhibiting Nox2 containing NADPH oxidase in ischemic stroke.

Liu W, Chen Q, Liu J, Liu KJ. Med Gas Res. 2011 Sep 6;1(1):22.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for traumatic brain injury.

Huang L, Obenaus A. Med Gas Res. 2011 Sep 6;1(1):21.


Early cognitive function, recovery and well-being after sevoflurane and xenon anaesthesia in the elderly: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial.

Cremer J, Stoppe C, Fahlenkamp AV, Schälte G, Rex S, Rossaint R, Coburn M.Med Gas Res. 2011 May 18;1(1):9.


ACS6, a Hydrogen sulfide-donating derivative of sildenafil, inhibits homocysteine-induced apoptosis by preservation of mitochondrial function.

Tang XQ, Chen RQ, Ren YK, Soldato PD, Sparatore A, Zhuang YY, Fang HR, Wang CY.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Aug 16;1(1):20.


Moderately delayed post-insult treatment with normobaric hyperoxia reduces excitotoxin-induced neuronal degeneration but increases ischemia-induced brain damage.

Haelewyn B, Chazalviel L, Nicole O, Lecocq M, Risso JJ, Abraini JH.Med Gas Res. 2011 Apr 27;1(1):2.


Carbon monoxide inhibits Fas activating antibody-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells.

Wang X, Wang Y, Lee SJ, Kim HP, Choi AM, Ryter SW.Med Gas Res. 2011 May 18;1(1):8.


Hydrogen is neuroprotective against surgically induced brain injury.

Eckermann JM, Chen W, Jadhav V, Hsu FP, Colohan AR, Tang J, Zhang JH.

Med Gas Res. 2011 May 18;1(1):7.


The pacific chapter annual meeting of the undersea & hyperbaric medical society.

Ostrowski RP, Lo T, Zhang JH.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Aug 4;1(1):19.


Oxygen/ozone as a medical gas mixture. A critical evaluation of the various methods clarifies positive and negative aspects.

Bocci V, Zanardi I, Travagli V.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Apr 28;1(1):6.


Molecular hydrogen protects chondrocytes from oxidative stress and indirectly alters gene expressions through reducing peroxynitrite derived from nitric oxide.

Hanaoka T, Kamimura N, Yokota T, Takai S, Ohta S.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Aug 4;1(1):18.


RNA interference-mediated silencing of BACE and APP attenuates the isoflurane-induced caspase activation.

Dong Y, Xu Z, Zhang Y, McAuliffe S, Wang H, Shen X, Yue Y, Xie Z.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Apr 28;1(1):5.


Hyperbaric oxygen for stroke treatment.

Toole J.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Apr 27;1(1):4.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (1.5 ATA) in treating sports related TBI/CTE: two case reports.

Stoller KP.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jul 5;1(1):17.


Effect of an hyperbaric nitrogen narcotic ambience on arginine and citrulline levels, the precursor and co-product of nitric oxide, in rat striatum.

Vallée N, Rissoe JJ, Blatteau JE.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jul 5;1(1):16.


Emergent role of gasotransmitters in ischemia-reperfusion injury.

Moody BF, Calvert JW.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Apr 27;1(1):3.


Hydrogen saline offers neuroprotection by reducing oxidative stress in a focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion rat model.

Liu Y, Liu W, Sun X, Li R, Sun Q, Cai J, Kang Z, Lv S, Zhang JH, Zhang W.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jul 5;1(1):15.


Property Value Estimation for Inhaled Therapeutic Binary Gas Mixtures: He, Xe, N2O, and N2 with O2.

Katz I, Caillibotte G, Martin AR, Arpentinier P.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Dec 6;1(1):28. [Epub ahead of print]


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes neurogenesis: where do we stand?

Mu J, Krafft PR, Zhang JH.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jun 27;1(1):14.


Isoflurane Does Not Cause Neuroapoptosis but Reduces Astroglial Processes in Young Adult Mice.

Dallasen RM, Bowman JD, Xu Y.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Nov 3;1(1):27. [Epub ahead of print]


Application of medical gases in the field of neurobiology.

Liu W, Khatibi N, Sridharan A, Zhang JH.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jun 27;1(1):13.


Effects of hydrogen-rich water on abnormalities in a SHR.Cg-Leprcp/NDmcr rat - a metabolic syndrome rat model.

Hashimoto M, Katakura M, Nabika T, Tanabe Y, Hossain S, Tsuchikura S, Shido O.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Nov 3;1(1):26.


The 2011 Medical Molecular Hydrogen Symposium: An inaugural symposium of the journal Medical Gas Research.

Ohta S, Nakao A, Ohno K.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jun 7;1(1):10.


Improved brain MRI indices in the acute brain stem i。nfarct sites treated with hydroxyl radical scavengers, Edaravone and hydrogen, as compared to Edaravone alone. A non-controlled study.

Ono H, Nishijima Y, Adachi N, Tachibana S, Chitoku S, Mukaihara S, Sakamoto M, Kudo Y, Nakazawa J, Kaneko K, Nawashiro H.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jun 7;1(1):12.


Welcome to medical gas research.

Zhang JH.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Apr 27;1(1):1. No abstract available.


Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on the quality of life of patients treated with radiotherapy for liver tumors.

Kang KM, Kang YN, Choi IB, Gu Y, Kawamura T, Toyoda Y, Nakao A.

Med Gas Res. 2011 Jun 7;1(1):11.



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