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已有 6748 次阅读 2010-12-15 08:59 |个人分类:我看世界|系统分类:海外观察| NIH, 职业道德, 礼物



1)   你想送给你的上司生日礼物。这礼物是一个价值12.99美元的CD。你能送给她这CD(You want to give your supervisor a gift for her birthday. It's a CD worth $12.99. Can you give her the CD?)

A.   Yes

B.   No

C.   Maybe

答案: B

     The CD cost $12.99. The regulations only allow you to give gifts of $10 or less to supervisors and those who make more money than you on certain recurring gift giving occasions, like birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and upon returning from a vacation.

2)   你结婚了,并收到了一个同事送给你的非常好的咖啡壶。你不是这位同事的上司,但你知道你赚的钱肯定比她多。你能接收这个咖啡壶吗?(You get married, and receive a very nice espresso maker from a coworker. You don't supervise this coworker, but you know you must make more money than she does. Can you accept the espresso machine?

A.   Yes

B.   No

C.   Maybe

答案: A

    You can accept the espresso maker, even though it costs more than $10, because a wedding is a special infrequent occasion.

    Additionally, you should know that if you have a personal friendship with a coworker outside the office, you can accept gifts from her for any occasion, as long as you don't supervise her.

3)   你想为一位住院的员工凑钱买花。这位员工是一个政府工资14级(大概每年10万美元),但不是上司。你可以从你的同事们那凑买花的钱吗?You want to start a collection for flowers for an employee who is in the hospital. The employee is a GS-14, although not a supervisor. Can you collect money from your coworkers and buy the flowers?

A.   Yes

B.   No

C.   Maybe

答案: A

    You can collect money from the employees in the office for a sick employee as long as the contributions are entirely voluntary. A hospital stay or illness is a "special infrequent occasion," and gifts of more than $10 and collections in the office are permitted. Other examples of special infrequent occasions are weddings, baby showers, graduations, and retirements.

    "Voluntary" means that when you send an email asking people to contribute, you say something like the following: "All contributions are voluntary. We suggest $15 if you wish to contribute, but any amount would be welcome."


4)   你想请你得即将到另一个单位工作的上司在办公室吃午餐。你安排了一个招待午餐,费用每人$ 15,此外,你要集体送上司一个礼物。你能这样做吗?(You want to throw a luncheon in the office for a departing supervisor who is going to work for another agency. You arranged a catered lunch which will cost $15 per person and, in addition, you want to collect for a group gift for the supervisor. Can you do this?)

A.   Yes

B.   No

C.   Maybe

答案: A

     You can have the luncheon in the office; and you can tell people that if they want to partake in the food they must pay $15 per person because that is the actual cost of the food. Attendance at the luncheon must remain voluntary. Those who wish not to eat the catered lunch must be offered the opportunity to bring their lunch and join the party.

  Because the supervisor is departing the agency, and the supervisory chain is being broken, you can ask your coworkers to contribute to a group gift as long as contributions are completely voluntary.



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